Innovating documentary filmmaking: AI-powered tools and techniques Industry Training Talk in partnership with Documentary Campus and in cooperation with Bayerischer Rundfunk

Explore how AI, VFX and cloud computing are revolutionizing storytelling and production in documentary filmmaking, paving the way for innovative workflows and creative processes in the industry’s future.

Speakers and moderation

Mads Damsbo, Founder, Kaspar AI
Simon von der Au, Head of HFF CreatiF-Center, University of Television and Film Munich (HFF)

Moderated by Eva Wolfangel, Science Journalist

Event information

The event will be held in English.

The event will be held on site.

The event is open to accredited.

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  • Fr., 03.05.24
    HFF - Audimax
  • Fr., 03.05.24
    HFF - Audimax
Albert Bozesan
(Storybook Studios GmbH)

Albert Bozesan is a filmmaker, bestselling writer and generative AI expert at Storybook Studios, a PANTAFLIX company. After a decade in Silicon Valley and studying computer science and business at TU Munich, he co-founded a production company and created audio originals for Audible and ProSiebenSat.1, as well as diverse creative work for Paramount, Audi, Hugendubel and fritz-kola. Immediately after the release of Stable Diffusion, Albert began a YouTube channel to teach AI to artists and created the first workflows for the cinematic production pipeline. As Creative Director AI Media at Storybook Studios, he develops new workflows that enhance and streamline traditional filmmaking.

Mads Damsbo

Mads Damsbo (1984) - is a creative producer, entrepeneur and passionate user-experience designer, focused on bringing forward impactful narratives, leveraging emerging technology; provoking unexpected emotions in diverse audiences. Schooled as a Producer from the progressive filmschool Super16 and with a bachelor in Media Directing from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, Mads has since become an expert on immersive media narratives, giving lectures, organizing workshops and teaching masterclasses all around the world

Sebastian Sorg
(Sebastian Sorg Creative)

Sebastian Sorg is a creative project developer for film and innovative media who is based in Munich, Germany. After creating and managing at DOK.fest Munich, he focussed on project development, financing strategies and funding.

Simon von der Au
Leiter CreatiF Center | Innovations- und Transferzentrum der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München)

Simon von der Au studied media informatics with a focus on media design at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität in Munich for his Bachelor's and Master's degrees. From 2016, he worked as a student trainee at the Institute for Broadcast Technology (IRT), where he conducted research in the field of augmented reality. As part of his work at IRT, he set up a student laboratory to research AR in television and published scientific papers. From 2021 to 2023, he worked and researched as a research assistant at the Chair of Digital Marketing and Media Innovations at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. In June 2023, Simon von der Au moved to the University of Television and Film Munich, where he has since headed the CreatiF Center, which functions as the HFF's innovation and transfer centre. He is also the HFF's transfer officer.