Berufsbild Filmeditor*in damals und heute: 40 Jahre BFS Perspektiven Talk

Please note: The event will be held in German.

Der BFS feiert sein 40-jähriges Bestehen unter dem Motto „Montage gestaltet Emotion“. Die Editorinnen Julia Oehring und Anne Fabini präsentieren einen Kurzfilm mit Interviews der Gründungsmitglieder des Verbands, gefolgt von einer Panel-Diskussion über Dokumentarfilm-Montage und darüber, wie sich die öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Berufs in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten verändert hat.

Redner*innen und Moderation

Samuel Albert, Editor
Anne Fabini, Editorin
Xenja Kupin, Editorin
Julia Oehring, Editorin

Moderiert von Carlotta Kittel, Editorin & BFS-Vorstandsmitglied


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Samuel Albert
Student Montage (Filmakdemie Baden-Würrtemberg)

Samuel Albert is a film editor for documentary and scenic film. After various internships in film and television, he completed his vocational training as a media designer for image and sound in 2020, specialising in editing and locationsound. Since then he has been studying editing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. In his spare time, he gives film workshops for children. Filmography Editor 2024 Those who are left, documentary, 25 min. 2022 Tell me something nice, short film, 32 min. 2022 Border conversations, documentary, 30 min. 2022 White Roses, documentary, 25 min. 2021 Donbas days, documentary, 17 min. 2021 Red and blue, short film, 8 min. Additional Editor 2022 Gods like us, documentary series 3x 40 min.

Anne Fabini
Filmeditorin (Filmeditorin)

Anne Fabini is the editor of two Academy Award-nominated documentaries: 2019 Of Fathers and Sons (dir: Talal Derki) and 2022 Writing With Fire (dir: S. Gosh, R. Thomas). The Colombian documentary Alis (dir: C. Weiskopf, N. Hemelryck) was awarded a Chrystal Bear at this years Berlin Film Festival. Seven of the films she edited premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, among them The Tale (dir. Jennifer Fox, 2018), Morris From America (dir: Chad Hartigan, 2016), Houston (dir: Bastian Günther, 2013) and Sundance World Documentary Grand Jury Award winner Return To Homs (dir: Talal Derki, 2014). Based in Berlin, she works as story and editing consultant on documentaries worldwide. She is a member of both the American and European Film Academy. Her work has won her several nominations and awards for Best Film Editing.

Oehring Julia
Carlotta Kittel
Filmeditorin, Filmemacherin (Freelancer)

Carlotta Kittel works as a freelance film editor, filmmaker and editing lecturer in Berlin, Germany. She edits documentary and fiction films for cinema and TV. As a director her work focusses on interview-based documentaries. Kittel teaches as a guest lecturer at several German filmschools, like the dffb, the Film University Babelsberg and the University Hildesheim (Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture). She was a jury member at the achtung berlin film festival (documentary competition 2019), at the Berlinale (Perspektive Deutsches Kino 2022) and at the German Kamerapreis (Cinema Documentary 2023). Since 2020, Kittel has served as a board member for the German Editors' Association (BFS). She is also a member of the AG DOK documentary association, the ProQuote Film association and the German Film Academy.

Xenja Kupin
(Xenja Kupin)