Germany 2017 – Director: Michael Teutsch – Original language: English, German – Subtitles: English – Length: 90 min.

  • Fri, 5/12/17
    ARRI Kino
    English subtitles, with Q&A

The story of a friendship that has lasted for over 60 years between a Scottish family and a German family, which began in 1955 when a woman from Berlin invited a soldier from the occupying troops to Christmas dinner. A living example of international relations in Europe.

English/Original Title: FOR AULD LANG SYNE. Writer: Michael Teutsch. Camera: Hans-Albrecht Luzsnat, Michael Teutsch. Sound: Freddy Douglas. Editing: Ingo Guski. Music: Sebastian Wittassek. Production: Michael Teutsch. Producer: Michael Teutsch.

Munich Premieres 2017
  • Fri, 5/12/17
    ARRI Kino
    English subtitles, with Q&A