Germany 2016 – Director: Peter Heller – Original language: English, German – Subtitles: German – Length: 79 min.

  • So., 07.05.17
    ARRI Kino
    German subtitles, with Q&A
  • Mo., 08.05.17
    City 3
    German subtitles, with Q&A

A polygamous family group that stretches from Germany to Nigeria – is that possible? For fifteen years the filmmaker Peter Heller follows the Munich fashion designer and owner of Africa & House, Ann Dörr, as she tries to manage an intercultural extended family.

English/Original Title: COOL MAMA Afrika à la Schwabing. Writer: Peter Heller. Camera: Thomas Willke, Klaus Lautenbacher, Jan Betke, Bernhard Ruebe, Matti Bauer u.a.. Sound: Niklas Goslar, Gregor Kuschel, Katharina Grothe, Ema Edosio, Constantin Iandolino. Editing: Miriam Märck. Music: Zapp Mama, AliBeta. Production: Filmkraft Filmproduktion. Producer: Peter Heller. Distribution: Filmkraft Film.

Munich Premieres 2017
  • So., 07.05.17
    ARRI Kino
    German subtitles, with Q&A
  • Mo., 08.05.17
    City 3
    German subtitles, with Q&A