Germany 2020 – Director: Elke Sasse – Original language: Other – Subtitles: German – Length: 60 min.

  • Sa., 09.05.20
    Live Q&A with Elke Sasse

Corona has turned our lives upside down. Everywhere. In CORONA DIARIES, people from all around the world document their everyday life during the pandemic with their mobile phones: An Indian construction worker, a Spanish nurse, a Chinese returnee, a bicycle courier in New York, a girl from Afghanistan in the Moria refugee camp – together, from mid-March to mid-April 2020 they are writing a communal, global video diary.

We present the world premiere of the film at DOK.fest München 2020 @home.




Elke Sasse often finds the "big" in the "small" with her films. She believes in the power and authenticity of user-generated content to document extraordinary events: in 2015, her film #MYESCAPE documented the refugee routes using videos that refugees themselves had taken during their flight.


TOMATOES AND GREED, DE 2019, 52 min.
THE WAR ON MY PHONE, DE 2018, 90 min.
#MYESCAPE, DE 2016, 90 min.


Presented by


Editing: Janine Dauterich, Michaela Stasch. Production: berlin producers Media GmbH. Im Auftrag des RBB. In Zusammenarbeit mit DW & ARTE. Producer: Stefan Pannen (berlin producers Media). Distribution: Redaktion: D. Mielke (RBB/ARTE), U. Beutler (RBB), H. Kehrwald, F. Sandig (DW)

DOK.panorama 2020

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