Germany 2017 – Director: Konstantin von zur Mühlen – Original language: English – Subtitles: German – Length: 93 min.

  • Di., 09.05.17
    ARRI Kino
    German subtitles, with Q&A

The steps that led to downfall. Using unique archive material DER GEIST DER FREIHEIT reconstructs the triumphant procession of allied troops from Normandy into the heart of Hitler’s Reich. The most authentic documentation to date of the final campaign against Nazi Germany.

English/Original Title: THE SPIRIT OF LIBERATION. Writer: Konstantin von zur Mühlen. Camera: George Stevens, Jack Lieb, William Wyler, Eva Brau und andere (1944-1945). Sound: Janis Grossmann, Alexander Dietze (CSC Studio). Editing: Arne Körner. Music: Wochenschaumusiken 1944–1945. Production: KRONOS Media. Producer: Konstantin von zur Mühlen. International Sales: SPIEGEL TV, Hamburg Distribution: KRONOS Media

DOK.special 2017
  • Di., 09.05.17
    ARRI Kino
    German subtitles, with Q&A