Deutschland 2003 – Director: Karin Jurschick – Co-Director: Anke Schäfer – Original language: dt./engl./russ./rumän./serbokroat. – Subtitles: German – Length: 80 min.

Mo 10.05. 15.00 Filmmuseum
Mi 12.05. 16.00 Rio

In Bosnia and Kosovo a new economy is blooming: the so called „trafficking”. Girls and women from Eastern Europe are abducted and forced into prostitution.

International troops and relief organizations – KFOR, SFOR and some United Nations groups – have a role in this also: They are faithful and well-paying costumers. The International Police Force (IPTF) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), operate under UN jurisdiction. They attempt to find the victims by way of razzias in nightclubs, in order to polish up the image of the international relief workers.

But the women are hardly helped by these measures. In most cases, the next step for them is deportation – back into their home countries Moldavia , Romania or the Ukraine, where nothing but poverty awaits them.

Best German Documentary 2004, Duisburger Filmwoche

Grimme Preis 2004

Writer: Karin Jurschick. Camera: Rainer Komers, Karin Jurschick. Sound: Anke Schäfer, Karin Jurschick. Editing: Anke Schäfer, Bettina Böhler. Music: Karl Atteln. Production: Karin Jurschick Filmproduktion. Producer: Karin Jurschick.

International Program (2002-2009) 2004
Mo 10.05. 15.00 Filmmuseum
Mi 12.05. 16.00 Rio