Germany 1984 – Director: Volker Koepp – Original language: German – Subtitles: None – Length: 81 min.

A slice of everyday life in the GDR: in the early 80s, Elsbeth, Edith and Renate are working at VEB Obertrikotagen, a modern textile factory in Wittstock, Brandenburg. But, in everyday life, progress is dragging its heels. And solidarity does not always amount to much either.

No youth rating


Volker Koepp – Stettin/Pomerania (today Poland), 1944

After an apprenticeship as a machinist in a turbine factory and studies at the Technical University of Dresden, Volker Koepp studies at the German Academy of Cinematography in Potsdam-Babelsberg from 1966. Already during this time, his friendship with the writer Thomas Brasch led to difficulties with the university administration.

Since 1970 Volker Koepp has been a permanent director at the DEFA Studio for Documentary Films. At the same time, he is increasingly under surveillance by the State Security. In 1974, he sets off for Wittstock for the first time to observe young women in the newly established "Ernst Lück" upper jersey factory.

Filmography (selection)

SEESTÜCK, D 2018, 135 min.
BERLIN – STETTIN, D 2009, 114 min.
UCKERMARK, D 2002, 109 min.
WITTSTOCK, WITTSTOCK, D 1997, 118 min.
NEUES IN WITTSTOCK, D 1992, 99 min.


Retrospective 75 Years of DEFA

Eight documentaries from five decades of DEFA film production. We present the retrospective on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the GDR's nationally owned film studio.

Writer: Volker Koepp. Camera: Christian Lehmann. Sound: Peter Dienst. Editing: Lutz Körner. Music: Rainer Böhm. Production: DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme. Producer: Gruppe -document-. International Sales: absolut MEDIEN

Retrospective 75 years of DEFA 2021

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