United States 2022 – Director: Reed Harkness – Original language: English – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 87 min.

  • Do., 04.05.23
    Deutsches Theater Silbersaal
    Original with English subtitles (onlineQ&A with director, producer, protagonist)
  • Di., 09.05.23
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 10.05.23
    Rio 2
    Original with English subtitles

Sam was 15 when his mother suddenly disappeared. Three years later, he goes looking for her with his half-brother Reed and his camera. They find her – but the meeting provides fewer answers than it raises questions: what does family mean? And motherhood? And what does it mean to confront your own and your family’s traumas? A story that is told with sensitivity and humour in equal measure. Franziska Viehbacher


Reed Harkness
A self-taught filmmaker, Reed began making films at 18 and is now a Fellow of the Gotham Film & Media Institute. He was also awarded the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship in 2021. SAM NOW has won countless awards at prestigious festivals.


HOUSE ON FIRE, USA, 2020, Gesamtlänge 61 min. (five-part series)
FOREST ON FIRE, USA 2018, 30 min.


Writer: Reed Harkness (Voice Over). Camera: Reed Harkness. Sound: Reed Harkness. Editing: Darren Lund, Jason Reid. Music: Roger Neill. Production: 2R Films. Producer: Jason Reid. Co-Producers: Heather Hawksford (coproducer), Adam Brown (coproducer). International Sales: NA Distribution: NA

Best of Fests 2023
  • Do., 04.05.23
    Deutsches Theater Silbersaal
    Original with English subtitles (onlineQ&A with director, producer, protagonist)
  • Di., 09.05.23
    Rio 1
    Original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 10.05.23
    Rio 2
    Original with English subtitles