Germany, Switzerland 2023 – Director: Pawel Siczek – Original language: Belarusian, English, Russian – Subtitles: English, French, German – Length: 83 min.

  • So., 07.05.23
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with German subtitles (with Award Ceremony Music Award & Q&A)
  • Mo., 08.05.23
    Rio 1
    Original with German subtitles (Q&A with director, protagonists and film team)
  • Do., 11.05.23
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with German subtitles
  • So., 14.05.23
    City 1
    Original with German subtitles

He wants “to prevent Europe from sacrificing Belarus to Russia.” This is how Andrei Sannikov describes his mission. He stepped down from his position as Vice Foreign Minister in 1996 in protest against Lukaschenko’s policies and directly challenged him as a presidential candidate in 2010. Sannikov was subsequently arrested, tortured and sentenced. Today he lives in exile in Poland. His fight for a free Belarus continues. Silvia Bauer



On 7 May we present the film at the presentation of the German Documentary Film Music Award 2023 at HFF (Audimax) incl. Q&A with director, producer and protagonists.



Pawel Siczek
The Swiss director of Polish origin spent parts of his childhood and youth in Libya. He lives in Munich, where he studied documentary film directing and television journalism at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen.


DIE HÄLFTE DER STADT, DE 2015, 86 min.
FUSSGÄNGERZONE, DE 2010, 60 min.
ANDERER HERBST, DE 2004, 19 min.

Winner German Documentary Film Music Award: David Langhard (Composition)


Writer: Pawel Siczek. Camera: Daniel Samer. Sound: Pawel Siczek, Jonathan Skorupa. Editing: Claudio Cea. Music: David Langhard. Production: A Film Company, Departures Film. Producer: Valentin Greutert, Thomas Král. Distribution: Real Fiction Filmverleih

Best of Fests 2023
  • So., 07.05.23
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with German subtitles (with Award Ceremony Music Award & Q&A)
  • Mo., 08.05.23
    Rio 1
    Original with German subtitles (Q&A with director, protagonists and film team)
  • Do., 11.05.23
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with German subtitles
  • So., 14.05.23
    City 1
    Original with German subtitles