Czech Republic, Slovakia 2022 – Director: Lucie Králová – Original language: Czech – Subtitles: English – Length: 91 min.

  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Lucie Králová (director)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Original with English subtitles
  • Thu, 5/12/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles

“New age, new form, new music” was Jan Kapr’s personal manifesto. As an initially committed and then ostracised communist, the controversial avant-garde composer was caught between two stools his whole life. The renowned filmmaker Lucie Králová has created an extraordinary sound art portrait in his honour, that makes you sit up and listen in the truest sense of the word. Simon Hauck

We present the German premiere of the film.


No youth rating


Lucie Králová

Die Regisseurin und Dramaturgin studierte Geisteswissenschaften an der Prager Karls-Universität und Dokumentarfilmregie an der FAMU, wo sie auch unterrichtet. Für ILL-FATED CHILD (2003) und SOLD (2005) wurde sie in Jihlava bereits zweimal prämiert.


ARSENAL – NEUE EWIGKEIT, CZ 2016, 26 min. 
PAHRBEK CESKY, CZ 2009, 58 min.
LOST HOLIDAY, CZ 2007, 84 min.


Nominated for the VIKTOR Main Competition DOK.international

Slices of life, insights and perspectives: The films of the International Competition open doors to new worlds for us. They compete for the award VIKTOR Main Competition, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. The award donor is Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Writer: Lucie Králová, Jiří Adámek / Austerlitz. Camera: Tomáš Stanek, Adam Ol'ha, Petr Příkaský, Jakub Halousek, Martin Řezníček. Sound: Richard Müller. Editing: Adam Brothánek. Music: Petra Šuško, Jan Kapr. Production: Mindset Pictures. Producer: Andrea Shaffer, Martin Řezníček (DOCUfilm Praha). Co-Producers: Martin Řezníček (DOCUfilm Praha), co-producers: Czech Television, Vít Janeček, Zuza Piussi (Virusfilm), Michal Křeček (Magiclab). International Sales: Lightdox.

DOK.international Main Competition 2022
  • Sun, 5/8/22
    HFF - Audimax
    Original with English subtitles, Q&A with Lucie Králová (director)
  • Wed, 5/11/22
    Original with English subtitles
  • Thu, 5/12/22
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles

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