Jury DOK.deutsch 2016
Dr. Irene Klünder
Managing Director Haus des Dokumentarfilms, Stuttgart
PhD in Physics, from 1995 editor and screenwriter for SWR / ARD (SDR), from 2006 she designed and presented meetings for the house of the documentary, amongst others DOKVILLE 2009. For her ARD documentations she received several prestigious awards, including the Catholic Media Prize 2011. Since autumn 2012, Managing Director of the House of the documentary and developing new formats - including youngdok and Doknight. In addition, she is responsible for the future project Doksite.de.
Dr. Seraina Rohrer
Director Solothurn Film Festival, Switzerland
Born in Männedorf in the canton of Zurich. Degree in Film Studies, Journalism and computer science, PhD in Film Studies. Since 2011 director of the Solothurn Film Festival. Moreover active as a journalist and lecturer. Member of the Foundation Board of the UBS Culture Foundation and the Foundation Erbprozent. Member of numerous juries. Previously head of the press office of Locarno Film Festival (2003-2009), launching a master's program in film (2005 - 2006), dissertation on low-budget films in Mexico and the USA (2009 - 2010).
Peter Schernhuber
Ko-Director of Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz
Born in 1987 in Wels, Austria. He has a degree in Film and Media Studies. Afterwards numerous curatorial and organizational activities in institutions, film and music festivals. From 2009 to 2014 Co-manager YOUKI – International Youth Media Festival in Wels. Texts für CINEMA yearbook, FAQ, The Gap, Edition Die Presse, Vice et al. At Ana Berlin Communications responsible for PR for the Austrian Pavilion of the Architecture Biennale 2014 as for the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, curated by vienna.