
DOK.fest München and its team members are active in various networks and alliances - whether in Munich, Bavaria or beyond.


Filmfestival network DOC AROUND EUROPE

Since 2020, the network DOC AROUND EUROPE brings together six relevant documentary film festivals throughout the continent.



Die Vielen

Under the motto “For a Europe of the many! Solidarity instead of privileges! Art remains free!”, artists, musicians, activists and institutions who stand up for an open and united society signed the Declaration of Die Vielen. DOK.fest München signed the Bavarian Declaration of Die Vielen in 2020.



At the end of 2024, the cross-sector and cross-institutional alliance was formed to join efforts in response to the financial cuts made by the City of Munich in the cultural and socio-cultural sector. Among other things, the aim of #MünchenistKultur is to create a permanent network of all those involved, to review structures for their potential to share resources and to establish a permanent cultural advisory board.


F.A.M.E. – New Alliance Unites Film and Audiovisual Markets in Europe

In 2024, 24 film and audiovisual markets from all over Europe have joined forces to form the F.A.M.E. Alliance to tackle the challenges posed by digital and environmental change. The aim is to build a dynamic, competitive and economically and ecologically sustainable future for the European film and audiovisual industry. DOK.fest München is a founding member.


Work groups

DOK.fest München is involved in various work groups and alliances and is thus actively committed to film and cultural politics.


AG DOK – German Documentary Association

In 1980, a small circle of around 80 enthusiastic documentary filmmakers came together with the aim of creating a vibrant documentary film culture in Germany. Five years later, DOK.fest München is co-founded by members of AG DOK. 45 years later, AG DOK is a professional association with more than 900 filmmakers, making it one of the largest film associations in Germany. Read more



AG Filmfestival – Association of Film Festivals in Germany

The AG Filmfestival is the nationwide association of film festivals in Germany. The aim of the work group is to network with each other, to create better conditions for film festivals in Germany and to strengthen and promote film culture together with filmmakers and other associations. Svenja Böttger from the Max Ophüls Preis Saarbrücken film festival and Daniel Sponsel are the current chairpersons. Read more