Konferenz zur Zukunft des deutschen Kinodokumentarfilms

Die Dokumentarfilmbranche steckt in einer paradoxen Situation: Einerseits erfreut sich das Genre beim Publikum so großer Beliebtheit wie nie, andererseits gestalten sich die Produktionsbedingungen heute schwieriger denn je. Dahinter stehen niedrige Produktions- und auch Marketing-Budgets. Die Konferenz GANZ GROSSES KINO? setzt den Impuls für eine gemeinsame Strategie zur nachhaltigen Stärkung der Dokumentarfilmbranche. In diesem Jahr liegt der Fokus auf Auswertungsstrategien für den Dokumentarfilm im Kino, im TV und über VOD. Dafür kommen namhafte Branchenverterter.innen auf dem DOK.fest zusammen, um über drängende Herausforderungen zu sprechen und Visionen für das Genre Dokumentarfilm zu entwerfen.
Am Abend des Konferenz-Tages findet die Verleihung des FairFilmAward Non-Fiction und des VFF Dokumentarfilm-Produktionspreises statt.


Die Diskussionen und Gespräche zum Nachhören

Begüßung und Keynotes
14.0014.30 Uhr

Speaker: Arne Birkenstock (Deutsche Filmakademie), Prof. Karin Jurschick (HFF, Abteilung Dokumentarfilm), Daniel Sponsel (DOK.fest),

Faire Gagen für Buch und Regie im Kinodokumentarfilm
14.3014.45 Uhr

Während der Preisverleihung des Deutschen Dokumentarfilmpreises des SWR im vergangenen Jahr in Stuttgart, wurde auf der Bühne eine Gagenstatistik der 13 nominierten Filme vorgestellt. Als Konsequenz daraus ist in der Kooperation zwischen der AG DOK und dem BVR Regie, die Initiative FAIRE GAGEN entstanden.

Moderation: Jörg Langer (Langer Media Consulting)
Gäste: David Bernet (AG DOK), Stefan Eberlein (BVR)

Diskussion: Dokumentarfilme gehören ins Kino!
14.4515.15 Uhr

Das Kino ist der ureigene Ort der Filmkultur, große Bilder, wuchtiger Sound und das empathische Gemeinschaftserlebnis inklusive. Im Jahr 2017 starteten über 130 Dokumentarfilme in Deutschland im Kino, so viele wie nie zuvor. Allein die Gesamtzahl der Zuschauer.innen sinkt zunehmend, nicht nur bei Dokumentarfilmen – was nun?

Moderation: Daniel Sponsel (DOK.fest)
Gäste: Joachim Kühn (Real Fiction), Christian Bräuer (Yorck Kinos)

Diskussion: Streamingdienste der erfolgreiche Weg zum Publikum!
15.1515.45 Uhr

Zahlreiche Streamingplattformen bieten ihr Programm im Netz an, darunter finden sich auch hochwertige Dokumentarfilme. Das Programm ist weltweit abrufbar, allein wie wird der Dokumentarfilm hier sichtbar? Und die noch viel wichtigere Frage: Wird im Netz genug Geld verdient um Dokumentarfilme auch in Zukunft zu produzieren?

Moderation: Daniel Sponsel (DOK.fest)
Gäste: Cay Wesnigk (AG DOK), Matthias Helwig (Breitwand Kinos)

Gespräch: Welches Filmfördergesetz braucht der Kinodokumentarfilm?
16.15 - 16.45 Uhr

Für besondere Maßnahmen zur Präsentation des Kurzfilms oder des Kinderfilms im Kino gibt es im Filmförderungsgesetz einen besonderen Paragraphen – für Dokumentarfilme ist Derartiges nicht vorgesehen. Und Projektförderung sollen künftig nur noch Filme erhalten, wenn sie mit einem Gesamtbudget von 500.000 Euro entstehen und mindestens 50.000 Zuschauer erwarten lassen. Wenn der Dokumentarfilm für eine vielfältige Kino-Kultur wirklich so wichtig ist, wie es Kulturpolitiker immer wieder betonen, müsste seine Förderung eigentlich anders aussehen. Aber wie?

Moderation: Thomas Frickel (AG DOK)
Gast: Christine Berg (FFA), Dr. Lisa Giehl (FFF Bayern)

Braucht der Dokumentarfilm das Fernsehen?
16.4517.15 Uhr

Der Dokumentarfilm ist in der DNA des öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender eingeschrieben – heißt es. Dabei wird die Beteiligung der Sender am Produktionsetat geringer. Wie kann dabei der Qualitätsstandart gesichert werden? Private und Pay TV Anbieter setzen konsequent auf Stoffe mit großer Reichweite und agieren damit erfolgreich.

Moderation: Arne Birkenstock (Deutsche Filmakademie)
Gäste: Dr. Andreas Weinek (History Channel), ÖRTV tba.

Was gibt der Dokumentarfilm der Demokratie?
17.1517.45 Uhr

Durch die digitalen technischen Möglichkeiten werden fiktionale Filme zunehmend fantastischer. In Zeiten von sogenannten Fake News und einer diversen Medienlandschaft, bieten Dokumentarfilme eine Art Kompass mit konkreten Bezügen zur gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit und werden zunehmend wichtiger und populärer.

Moderation: Jörg Langer (Langer Media Consulting)
Gäste: Dr. Otmar Bernhard (CSU), Isabell Zacharias (SPD)

Zehn Stühle, eine Meinung. Und jetzt? Resümee
18.1518.45 Uhr

Moderation: Daniel Sponsel (DOK.fest)
Gäste: Cay Wesnigk (AG DOK), Stefan Eberlein (BVR), Jörg Langer (LANGER MEDIA consulting)

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  • Do., 03.05.18
    HFF - Audimax
  • Do., 03.05.18
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Matthias Helwig
Head of the Fünf-Seen-Filmfestival, Starnberg and surroundings

Studies at the HFF Munich, since 1986 operator of the "Breitwand" program cinemas in Starnberg, Schloss Seefeld and
Herrsching with well over 100 awards for the outstanding annual film, documentary and children's film program, 1997 + 2014 Best Cinema in Germany, 2008 Tassilo Prize Winner of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2009-2015 Deputy Chairman of the AG
Kino-Gilde, Cinema Representative in the Screenplay Commission of the FFA and in the Rental Commission of the BKM,
2010 Cinema Champion in Germany, since 2007 Director of the Five Lakes Film Festival (www., since 2014 director of the Children and Youth Film Festival of the Five Lakes Film Festival

Thomas Frickel
Jury Award Ceremony VFF Documentary Film Production Award (Filmemacher)

After studying German language and literature, journalism and sociology in Mainz, Frickel worked as a freelance journalist for several years, focusing on cultural reporting and historical reportage. Since 1968 he has been working in the film industry. Since 1986, Frickel has been chairman and managing director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm (the largest association for independent film in Germany) in various film and cultural policy functions - for example, on the administrative board and executive committee of the FFA, the administrative board of the VG Bild-Kunst, as delegate of the beneficiaries in the VG Wort, on the advisory board of the VFF and the Künstlersozialkasse, etc. For several years he was spokesman for the Film/Media section of the "German Cultural Council". Frickel was also co-founder and until 1999 member of the board of directors of the European Documentary Film Network EDN. He is author, director and producer of numerous short and feature-length documentaries.


Christine Berg
Chief Operation Officer (COO) of German Federal Fim Board

Since January 1st 2007 Christine Berg is Chief Operation Officer (COO) of German Federal Fim Board. Here she is in charge of the funding division of FFA. project director of the German Federal Film Fund (DFFF), which was introduced by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM) and is coordinated by the German Federal Filmboard (FFA).

Born in Hamburg in 1966 she started her career in the film business in 1992 as head of the film commission in Hamburg. She worked as a production manager for several feature films before she joined the film production company Kinowelt in 2000 as a producer. In 2002 she started working as a consultant for feature film funding at the FFA where she then became the personal assistant of the CEO. From 2004 to 2005 she was provisional head of the film funding department of the FFA. She then moved on to Lübeck where she became the managing director of the Film Fund Schleswig-- -Holstein.

David Bernet
Author and Director (AG DOK)

David Bernet is a member of the German Film Academy and the AG DOK. As a board member of the AG DOK, he is involvedin film politics, in particular for the improvement of the fee conditions of authors and directors for documentary works. The Swiss author and director has lived in Germany for many years and also works as a dramaturge, lecturer and producer. His #films have received many awards. His last movie documentary DEMOCRACY was released et. al. awarded the German Documentary Film Award 2017.

C.Cay Wesnigk
Director, Author, Producer and CEO of OnlineFILM AG

C. Cay Wesnigk (born 1962) studied visual communication at the University of Arts in Hamburg. 1987 he founded the CCW Counter Clockwise Filmproduktion. Since then he has written, directed and produced several feature length and short films. These have all been shown on television, some also have been distributed in cinemas and some also in the video home market. Most of Wesnigks films have been shown and some even have been awarded on festivals all over the world. 

In 2000, together with 120 other producers, directors and authors he founded the OnlineFILM AG as a public company to use digital technologies for the distribution of audiovisual content. He has worked as CEO of OnlineFILM AG since then, today over 800 films are available to be purchased for download and stream internationally (

Wesnigk is active member on the board of AG DOK, Germany’s largest community of independent producers (800 members) ( ). And also board member of VG Bild-Kunst, the German collecting agency for creative Artists and Producers of films ( From 2009 - 2014 he was board member of the European Documentary Network (

In 2008 together with Volker Barth he founded AnthroMedia GbR a company to produce documentaries on science, society and history ( Just finished is the production "SAZ - the Key of Trust" by director Stephan Talneau at which Wesnigk was responsible as producer.

Stefan Eberlein

Stefan Eberlein was born in southern Germany in 1967, was an assistant to Romuald Karmakar at the TOTMACHER and others. Today he works as a producer and director and has realized about 30 documentary films and reports with the production company "Filmbüro Süd". His 90-minute documentary PARCHIM INTERNATIONAL has been awarded with
several prizes, including the German Director's Award "Metropolis". "VON SÄNGERN UND MÖRDERN" ran 2017 in the International Program at the Dokfest Munich.

Jörg Langer
Producer, Langer Media

... graduated in 1993 with a degree in economics as a Master of Science in Economics.

... has over 23 years of professional experience as a producer and production manager of more than 50 documentaries, reports, features and documentary films

.... worked for several years in TV world sales

.... is a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm, the European Documentary Network and the German Film Academy

.... conceived and organized for 10 years the initiative "German Documentaries", the foreign agency of the German documentary film on behalf of German Films and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm,... was a member of the board of the documentary film working group for eight years,

... is a lecturer at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin for the subjects Media Economics, Media Production and Television History.

Dr. Otmar Bernhard
Minister of State a. D.

* 1946 in Munich
Studied law in Munich and received his doctorate in law. jur., lawyer
Member of the Bavarian State Parliament since 1990, member of the Committee on Economic and Media Affairs,
Infrastructure, Construction and Transport, Energy and Technology; Member of the Broadcasting Council of the Bavarian
November 2005 to October 2007 State Secretary in the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, Health and Consumer
October 2007 to October 2008 Bavarian Minister of the Environment, Health and Consumer Protection
1970 Entry into the CSU, Honorary Chairman of the CSU District Association Munich, Chairman of the CSU District
Association Munich 2004-2011, Member of the State Party Congress of the CSU, since January 2014 Chairman of the CSU Film Commission

Dr. Christian Bräuer
Managing Director Yorck-Kino GmbH

After training as a banker, he completed his doctorate in political science at the FU Berlin & the Sorbonne in Paris. Since 2004 he has been managing the Yorck-Kino GmbH with Heinrich-Georg Kloster. Since 2007 he has been Managing Director of the Programmkino Ost GmbH in Dresden. He has been chairman of the AG Kino-Gilde since 2009. He also represents the association on the board of directors of the FFA, of which he has been a member since 2014. He is Vice-President of CICAE and General Secretary of Europa Cinemas.

Karin Jurschick
Dept. IV, Documentary Film (HFF München)

Born 1959 in Essen, living and working in Munich and Berlin. Cultural editor. From 1990 director for public German TV. Lecturer at universities such as Cologne's Academy of Media Arts and the Universities of Bochum and Berlin. Since 2000 director and producer of full-length documentaries. Awards include: FIPRESCI, Berlinale Forum / ARTE-Dokumentarfilmpreis / Prix Regard Neuf, Visions du Réel / ADOLF GRIMME AWARD / First Documentary Award, HOT DOCS, Toronto. Since October 2017 professor for documentary film at the University for Film and Television (HFF) Munich.

Arne Birkenstock
Author, Director and Producer

Award-winning Director of films like “Beltracchi – The Art of Forgery”. Member of film funding juries and of the board of the German Film Academy. With his company Fruitmarket he produced recently “The Congo Tribunal” (M. Rau), “The Night of All Nights” (Y. Samdereli), “A Home in Hollywood” (U. Gaulke) and “Mamacita” (JP Torrescano). In production are “Beer” (F. Moser), “Kids Fight” (S. Tareen & T. Hessen Schei), “Century of Women” (U. Gaulke) and “Pol Pot Dancing” (E. Sánchez Lansch).

Dr. Lisa Giehl
Funding Officer FFF

Dr. Lisa Giehl has been a funding officer at FFF Bayern since 2009 in various areas of funding. Currently, she is responsible for the areas of production promotion for cinema films (low budget) and the promotion of young talent. She is a graduate of HFF Munich (Department V, Production and Media Management). There she also earned her doctorate on the German film funding system. Her doctoral thesis entitled "Cultural Capital: Film Funding in Germany" was published in early 2017.