presented by ARRI

Please note that all panels of BEYOND THE IMAGES will be held in german language. You can find the full programm on the German version of the website

International guests are cordially invitet to join for the screenings and talks with the DOP's of ARRI AMIRA Award nominated films. All films will be shown with english subtitles and the talks will be in english as well. All talks will be moderated by Prof. Michael Leuthner (Hochschule Macromedia), the Jury of the ARRI AMIRA Award will join in for the Q&A


Films and Q&A's on Monday, May 13th

05.00 pm - HFF Audimax 
Screening and talk with cinematographer Maggie Olkuska.

7.30 pm - HFF Audimax
Screening und talk with cinematographer Egil Håskjold Larsen

Films and Q&A's on Tuesday, May 14th

11.00 am - HFF Kino 1
Screening und talk with cinematographer Šimon Dvorácek

2.30 pm - HFF Audimax
Screening und talk with cinematographers Bastian Esser und Livia Romano

8 pm - HFF Audimax
Award Ceremony ARRI AMIRA Award 
Award ceremony of the ARRI AMIRA Award in the presence of the jury and the nominated DOP's. Screening of the winning film.


All accreditated guest have access to the full programm of the camera days, single tickets for the screening are available at  the box office. 


BEYOND THE IMAGES wird präsentiert von  In Kooperation mit    



  • Mo., 13.05.19
    HFF - Audimax
  • Mo., 13.05.19
    HFF - Audimax
Egil Haskjold Larsen
Director and Cinematographer (DOP)

Director and Cinematographer Egil Håskjold Larsen is educated in still photography from Anadolu University and has a master in documentary film from Volda University College. He has worked as a cinematographer for several documentary and feature films, Egils feature film debut as a director; "69 Minutes of 86 Days" earned him numerous national and international prizes at festivals such as Hot Docs, Sheffield Doc Fest, Copenhagen Docs, to name a few.

Miriam Loertscher

Miriam Loertscher studied Media, Social and Neuropsychology at the University of Bern and Film Studies at the University of Zurich. From 2012 to 2018 she was Head of Communication for Fantoche, the International Animation Film Festival in Baden/Switzerland. She is currently working on two SNF research projects in the field of film perception and virtual reality at the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film of the ZHdK and is a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Bern.

Alexander Nanau
Director (ZHdK)
Prof. Michael Leuthner

For further information please switch to the German page. 

Prof. Christian Iseli
Head of the Zurich Documentary Film Conference ZDOK

Christian Iseli studied history, German and English at the University of Bern. After that he made documentary films and worked in the areas of editing and camera. At the ZHdK, he was responsible for the research focus Film at the Institute for Performing Arts and Film and headed together with Sabine Gisiger, the profile documentary film in the Master of Arts in Film. Christian Iseli is the director of the Zurich Documentary Film Conference ZDOK.

Filme (et. al)

  • Le Terroriste Suisse (1988)
  • Grauholz (1991)
  • Der Stand der Bauern (1995)
  • Das Album meiner Mutter (2011)
Šimon Dvorácek
Director of Photography

Šimon Dvorácek was born in 1988 in Prague. He graduated at high school in photography and new media. He continues his study at Prague FAMU on Camera Department, where he graduated with master’s degree. During his studies, he made his first feature film in the Czech-Austrian co-production called MENANDROS & THAIS which is a experimental antique road movie with striking and theatrical stylization. Right after, he started work on a number of projects that often work in cross-genre of documentary and feature film. Last year, his short movie RECONSTRUCTION was in the International Short Film Competition - Pardi di domani at Locarno movie festival. At the moment, his latest projects, especially THE SOUND IS INNOCENT, the story of electronic music, was screened at the Vision du Reel in Nyon at the Burning Lights International Competition and also the movie called OFF SIDES about young ice hockey team exchange between Czech and Morrocco country, which was also screened there in Grand angle selection.

Reiner Holzemer
Director and Producer
1958: Geboren in Gemünden.
1976-1985: Studium der Theaterwissenschaft und Soziologie.
1980 - 1990: Gründung und Aufbau einer Gruppe unabhängiger Filmemacher. Autodidaktische Ausbildung als Autor, Regisseur, Kameramann und Cutter von Dokumentarfilmen.
1983: Gründung der Reiner Holzemer Filmproduktion. Bis heute entstanden im Auftrag von ARD,  ZDF und arte mehr als 30 große Dokumentarfilme und Künstlerportraits über William Eggleston, Jürgen Teller, August Sander, Walker Evans, René Burri, Robert Lebeck, Thomas Höpker, Magnum Photos, Caroline Link und Dries Van Noten.
1985 - 1993: Lehrtätigkeit im Bereich Film an der Staatl. Fachhochschule Nürnberg.
Seit 1985 regelmäßige Teilnahme an internationalen Filmfestivals, u.a. an den Internationalen Filmfestspielen, Berlin. Seine Künstlerportraits werden außerdem in internationalen Museen wie dem Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York gezeigt.
1990 - 1997: Zusammenarbeit mit dem Dokumentarfilmregisseur und Direktor der Filmhochschule Ludwigsburg Thomas Schadt. Bis Sommer 1997 entstehen dreizehn Dokumentarfilme, teils in Co-Regie.
1999:Kulturstipendium der Stadt Nürnberg.
Seit 1993 Entwicklung, Konzeption und Regie für mehr als 200 Werbespots im In- und Ausland. Seit 2002  berufenes Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photographie e.v. (DGPh).
Maggie Olkuska
Cinematographer (Maggie Olkuska)

Cinematographer. I specialise in feature documentaries, independent fiction, tv series. I passionately work on projects which are pro-humanity & pro-life, which can inspire us to think, to feel, to sense, to laugh, to take life more easily and to embrace all that we are. Documentaries: Rediscovery, Good things Await, Fiction: When the sun shines.
Member of The Danish Association of Cinematographers DFF and I took a training in the National Polish Film School in Lodz.

Stefan Dux
Cameraman (ZHdK)

Stefan Dux studied history and geography at the University of Zurich and then completed a master's degree in film at the ZHdK in the field of camera. He works as a freelance cameraman and has been a research assistant at the Institute for Performing Arts and Film (IPF) since 2017.



  • 2012 Parvaneh (Director Talkhom Hamzavi)
  • 2015 Das Leben drehen (Director Eva Vitija)
  • 2015 Inland (Director Piet Baumgartner)
  • 2019 Die Getriebenen (Regie Piet Baumgartner)
Britta Becker
Marcus Winterbauer


Dokumentarfilme Kinofilme (Auswahl)



90 min, R: Alice Agneskirchner, Gebrüder Beetz Film, Kamera 2018, Sektion „Berlinale Special“ 69. Berlinale, Vorauswahl Deutscher Filmpreis 2019

Kleine Germanen

R: Mohammad Farokhmanesh und Andreas Geiger, Kamera 2017/18, Vorauswahl Deutscher Filmpreis 2019

Shut up and play the piano

Vorauswahl Deutscher Filmpreis 2019 86 min, R: Philipp Jaedicke, Rapid Eye Movies, Kamera 2017, Kinostart: Sep. 2018, Förderpreis des HDF 2018

Die Nacht der Nächte

Bayerischer Filmpreis 2017 90 min, R: Yasemin und Nesrin Samdereli, S2R Film und Fruitmarket, Kamera 2015, Kinostart: April 2018

Democracy - im Rausch der Daten
90 min, R: David Bernet, Indi Film, Kamera 2016, Nominierung Deutscher Filmpreis 2016, Deutscher Dokumntarfilmpreis 2017

Die Neue Nationalgalerie
52 min, R: Ina Weisse, Co-Kamera mit Judith Kaufmann 2017

Beyond Punishment
90 min, R: Hubertus Siegert, Sumofilm, Kamera 2014, Max-Ophüls-Preis 2015: bester Dokumentarfilm, Nominierung Deutscher Filmpreis 2015

Wacken 3D
100 min, R: Norbert Heitker, Jumpseat, Wüstefilm, Unit D Kamera 2013 Vorauswahl Deutscher Filmpreis 2015

Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Fälschung
92 min, R: Noel Dernesch und Moritz Springer, Kamera, 2012/13, Vorauswahl Deutscher Filmpreis 2014, Audience Award @ Züricher Filmfest 2013, IDFA Amsterdam 2013, Förderpreis der DEFA-Stiftung @ Max Ophüls 2014

Gold – Du kannst mehr als Du denkst
90 min, R: Michael Hammon, Kamera, 2012, Sektion „Berlinale Special“ 63. Berlinale

Sound of Heimat
Vorauswahl zum Deutschen Filmpreis 2013 90 min, R: Arne Birkenstock und Jan Tengeler, Kamera, 2012

Raising Resistance
90 min, R: D.Bernet/B.Borgfeld, Kamera, 2009, Prix „Best Film“,Visions du Réel/Nyon 2011, Eine-Welt-Filmpreis NRW 2013, Hauptpreis des Ecozine Filmfest 2013, Ökotour-Filmfestival 2013, Non-Fictionale Award, Expose Award, Chicago 2013

Chandani und Ihr Elefant
86 min, R: Arne Birkenstock, Fruitmarket, Kamera, 2009 Deutscher Filmpreis 2011, bester Kinderfilm, Hauptpreis Chicago International Childrens Film Festival 2010

90 min, R: Jan Tenhaven, Gebrüder Beetz, Kamera, 2009, Kinostart Sommer 2010, Filmmakers Award Dokumentarfilmfest Hotdocs in Toronto 2010, DOC U AWARD IDFA Amsterdam 2010, Hauptpreis Guangzhou Int. Documentary Film Festival China, Vorauswahl zum Deutschen Filmpreis 20

Full Metal Village
90 min, R: Sung-Hyung Cho, Kamera, 2006 Hessischer Filmpreis 2006, Filmpreis Schleswig Holstein 2006, Hauptpreis Max Ophüls 2007

Rhythm Is It
90 min, R: T. Grube, E. Sanchez, Kamera, 2004, vertreten als Sondervorführung auf der Berlinale 2004, Deutscher Filmpreis 2005: bester Dokumentarfilm, bester Schnitt

Der Glanz von Berlin
85 min, R: A. Kruska u. J. Keil, ZDF “Kleines Fernsehspiel”, Kamera, 2001 Auf der Berlinale 2002 vertreten in der Reihe Perspektive Deutsches Kino, Grimme Preis 2003

Rauliens Revier
90 min, R: Alice Agneskirchner, Kamera, 1994 Hochschul-Kamerapreis 1994, Prädikat: Wertvoll, 1. Preis Filmfest Chicago