Africa Day 2021 @home

Moving Beyond Diversity beim Africa Day @home

Moving Beyond Diversity at Africa Day @home

We bring the eighth Africa Day this year online and live to your home. Three films from and about Africa will be shown in the DOK.fest Munich online programme. And we are also continuing the panel discussion in digital – this year with the topic: Moving Beyond Diversity.

Live Online Discussion

We will welcome the filmmakers of ZINDER (Aïcha Macky), THE LAST SHELTER (Ousmane Samassekou), WHITE CUBE (Renzo Martens) and other experts to the live broadcast.
"Moving Beyond Diversity" is the theme of the evening. What does sustainable system change look like? We encourage a critical examination of and reflection on the topic through the medium of artistic documentary film. The conversation will focus on the differences and similarities in the history of filmmaking, film aesthetics and production conditions. Moderation: Seggen Mikael

The discussion will take place from 6.00–7.00pm and can be seen live in English and French on our website and YouTube.


Africa Day explicitly invites a different, more differentiated view of the African continent. To achieve this, we not only show films by filmmakers from the Global North ABOUT Africa, but also present films by African filmmakers FROM Africa. In the past, stories from the Global South were mostly told by filmmakers from the Global North. On Africa Day, we juxtapose films from different perspectives on a certain topic and let them correspond with each other. Africa also wants to continue the discussion in its 8th edition. However, it is about more than mere presence, numbers and quotas. "Moving Beyond Diversity" is the theme.

Three films from three different parts of the continent make different life realities visible.


The discussion is free of charge, the livestream in English and French and the chat are available on the DOK.fest München homepage.

Tickets for the films of the Africa Day now available in presale


Africa Day is supported by




Frankreich, Mali, Südafrika 2020 – Director: Ousmane Samassékou – Original language: Bambara, English, French, Moor – Subtitles: English – Length: 85 min.

  • So., 09.05.21

On the edge of the desert, on the sub-Saharan side, lies an establishment run by the charity Caritas: the Maison du Migrant. Some of the people who stop here want to push on, some are stuck and some decide instead to return. A film about shame and a will to survive.

We present the German Premiere of the film.

No youth rating


Ousmane Samassékou

Samassékou studied business administration and then at the Conservatory of Multimedia Arts and Crafts in Bamako. Together with others, he founded DS Production, where he works as a producer, director, cameraman and film editor.




DOK.horizonte Competition / Africa

The films in the DOK.horizonte series, supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the BMZ, tell stories from countries in transition. They are nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte, endowed with 5,000 euros, donated by the Petra Kelly Foundation.


In cooperation with


Camera: Ousmane Samassekou. Sound: Jean-Marc Schick. Editing: Céline Ducreux. Production: Les Films du Balibari. Producer: Estelle Robin You. International Sales: Point du jour - Les films du Balibri.

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Niger, Frankreich, Deutschland 2021 – Director: Aïcha Macky – Original language: Haussa – Subtitles: English – Length: 82 min.

  • So., 09.05.21

Young unemployed people, who have gone unnoticed by society throughout their lives, gang up together and rebel. As a result of their lack of prospects, some fall into criminality and end up in jail, others become smugglers. The director captures their everyday lives and explores the roots of the radicalisation that is running rampant in Zinder and Niger’s Sahel region.

We present the German Premiere of the film.

No youth rating


Aïcha Macky

A Nigerien filmmaker and activist, Aïcha Macky holds a Master's degree in Sociology and Creative Documentary Film from universities in Niger and Sénégal, and another Master's degree in Documentary Film from Saint-Louis University, USA. Aïcha Macky was born in Zinder, Niger and lives in the capital Niamey.


THE FRUITLESS TREE, 2016, 52 min.
ME AND MY TINY BODY, 2015, 13 min.
HOW TO MAKE A BED, 2014, 26 min.



DOK.horizonte Competition / Africa

The films in the DOK.horizonte series, supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the BMZ, tell stories from countries in transition. They are nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte, endowed with 5,000 euros, donated by the Petra Kelly Foundation.


In cooperation with


Writer: Aicha Macky. Camera: Julien Bossé. Sound: Abdoulaye Adamou Mato. Editing: Karen Benainous. Music: Dominique Peter. Production: Tabous production (NG) , Point du Jour-Les films du balibari (FR), Corso (DE). Producer: Clara Vuillermoz, Ousmane Samassekou, Erik Winker. International Sales: Andana Films.

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Niederlande, Belgien, Demokratische Republik Kongo 2020 – Director: Renzo Martens – Original language: English, French – Subtitles: English – Length: 79 min.

  • So., 09.05.21

“David vs. Goliath”: former Congolese plantation workers take on the international art market. WHITE CUBE takes a pointed snapshot. Cynical, political and well worth seeing!

We present the erman Premiere of the film.

No youth rating


Renzo Martens

Renzo Martens studied political science and fine arts. His films EPISODE I and EPISODE III: ENJOY POVERTY brought him worldwide recognition and were shown in numerous museums such as the Centre Pompidou and the Tate Modern as well as at biennials. In 2012, Martens founded the Institute for Human Activities (IHA) with the Reversed Gentrification Program. Since 2014, the IHA has been working with the Cercle d'Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC), a cooperative of plantation workers on a former Unilever plantation in Lusanga, Democratic Republic of Congo.


DOK.panorama shows innovative documentary films from all over the world mapping the diversity and current trends of documentary storytelling. Africa

In cooperation with


Production: Pieter van Huystee Film. Producer: Pieter van Huystee.

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  • So., 09.05.21