DOK.composition Award – sponsored by Sonoton Music

In order to strengthen the artistic collaboration between filmmakers and composers, the best musical concept for a documentary film will be endowed with 2,500 euros.

Few projects have so far focused on the collaboration between filmmakers and composers. In order to strengthen this unique artistic alliance and promote the development of contemporary compositions, the Marketplace awards a 2,500 Euro prize for documentary film and composition. The award is sponsored by Sonoton Music.

The grants are awarded to musicians from the German-speaking region for the development of the score for a documentary film in the making. The aim is to support the development of the composition and the recording of the music for this project.


Jury and Moderation

Gerd Baumann, Composer, Musician and Professor for Film composition
Antje Drinnenberg, Producer und Director
Franziska Reck, Producer
Christoph Schauer, Musician, Songwriter and Producer
Peter W. Schmitt, Composer and Lecturer

This event is moderated by Sebastian Sorg. 


Award Sponsor

For more than 50 years, Sonoton Music has stood for top-class production music – both technically and musically. With over 50 international agencies, Sonoton is the world's largest independent provider of professional production music.


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