Award Ceremony DOK.fest Preis der SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit


At this event we will award this year's DOK.fest Award of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit and show the award-winning film KRISTOS, THE LAST CHILD.

The DOK.fest Award of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit is given for films that make the perspective of children and young people visible in a special way and will be awarded for the tenth time in 2023. It is donated by B.O.A Videofilmkunst and is endowed with 3,000 euros.


We would like to thank our award donors and partners:

  • Logo Sponsor
  • Logo Sponsor


France, Greece, Italy 2022 – Director: Giulia Amati – OmeU (with Award Ceremony and Q&A with Giulia Amati) – Length: 90 min.

  • So., 14.05.23

10 year-old Kristos is the youngest of 30 inhabitants on the Greek island of Arki. As the only primary school child, he is at a crossroads: Should he carry on his studies at a boarding school or become a shepherd like his brothers? His teacher campaigns for him to continue his education. The film takes on Kristos’ perspective and plunges into his inner world. A moving insight that is visually radiant. Maren Willkomm




The French-Italian director and producer Giulia Amati studied philosophy and video production at New York University. In her films she deals with political and social issues. Her films have been shown at international festivals.


SHASHAMANE, IT/GB 2016, 80 min.
THIS IS MY LAND... HEBRON, IT 2010, 71 min.

Winning film of DOK.fest Award of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit 2023


Winning film kinokino Audience Award 2023 – sponsored by BR and 3sat

With the kinokino Audience Award – donated by BR and 3sat you could vote for your personal festival programme highlight at the dual DOK.fest München 2023. The name giver and media partner of the Audience Award is kinokino – Das Filmmagazin im Bayerischen Rundfunk | 3sat.



Camera: Carlos Muñoz Gómez-Quintero. Sound: Manolis Makridakis. Editing: Evgenia Papageorgiou. Music: Angelo Capozzi. Production: Blink Blink Prod. Producer: Giulia Amati. International Sales: Deckert Distribution.

  • So., 14.05.23