DOK.talent Award by Haus des Dokumentarfilms

A pitch award for emerging filmmakers

The pitch competition of DOK.talent Award (until 2021 'Pitch Award by Haus des Dokumentarfilms') offers students from our partner universities the opportunity to present their current projects to editors, producers and distributors in a speed pitch as part of the Marketplace. At the same time, it gives the students valuable first contact with the industry and direct feedback on their projects. The best student project, including the most convincing pitch, receives the award, which is donated by the Haus des Dokumentarfilms Stuttgart and endowed with 2,500 euros in research funding.


Mariana Schneider, CEO Kuratorium junger deutscher Film
Bernhard Simek, LEONINE Distribution
Petra Felber, Commissioning Editor DOcumentaries, BR
Dagmar Mielke, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg/arte
Sharon Nuni, Commissioning Editor, ORF
Franziska Sonder, Ensemble Films (CH)
Marcus Vetter, Commissioning Editor, SWR
Ralph Wieser, CEO mischief films
Antje Boehmert, Executive Producer and Managing Director at DOCDAYS PRODUCTION GmbH
Julia Irene Peters, JIP FILM & VERLEIH
Carl-Ludwig Rettinger, CEO, Producer Lichtblick Film 
Jakob Zimmermann, Redakteur, ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel 

Event information

The event is open to Marketplace guests only.

The event will be held in German.

The event will be held on site.

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  • So., 07.05.23
    Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film
Antje Boehmert
Executive Producer and Managing Director (DOCDAYS Productions GmbH)

Antje helms Berlin- and Cologne-based indie DOCDAYS Productions. With her team of producers and researchers, she focuses on topical docs from the fields of Current Affairs, History, Science and Culture – most of them international co-productions for public broadcasters both in Europe and North America. Antje holds an MA in American History from the University of Cologne. She started her career in documentaries 20 years ago as a freelance Visual Researcher and Associate Producer in Washington, DC. For her work as a writer and producer, she has received the Civis Award, the German Television Award and three Grimme Awards, among others. Antje Boehmert commutes between Berlin and the Ruhr region.

Petra Felber
Head of Department; Commissioning Editor Documentaries (BR)

Petra Felber studied in Paris, Kiel and Munich and is holding a Magister in new German literature, political science and psychology. She worked as academic and artistic assistant at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and was teaching and consulting at Hochschule für Fernsehen and Film München (HFF Munich). Since 2002 Petra Felber is commissioning editor at Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) responsible for documentaries and since 2013 she is head of documentaries at Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Dagmar Mielke
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg/ARTE (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg/ARTE)

Dagmar Mielke works as a commissioning editor since 2004 for RBB/ARTE. Before that, she worked for several other editorial offices and also as an author and director. RBB is part of the nation-wide ARD network. The ARTE department is in charge of co-producing documentaries for ARTE's non-fiction slots. Recent documentaries Dagmar Mielke commissioned are e.g. Rabbit a la Berlin, Judgment in Hungary, Domino Effekt, Siberian Love, Transit Havana, Censored Voices, The Oslo Diaries.

Sharon Nuni

Born in Israel, Sharon Nuni grew up in Tel Aviv and in Vienna. After her Israeli civic service she starts in 1989 while studying (Political Science and Judaism) to work in Israeli radio and television (IBA). From 1998 she has worked as editor and producer in the cultural department of the ORF / music and theater – mainly responsible for theater productions, but also as director and producer for art&culture documentaries and portraits. Since January 2015, she is head of the department documentary / arts and culture in the ORF. Beside in radio and television Sharon Nuni works as dramaturge and translator for various theaters and publishers.

Julia Irene Peters
CEO (jip film & verleih)

Julia Irene Peters is managing partner of JIP Film und Verleih GbR. Distributor, producer and director. She graduated from the Bauhaus University Weimar in 2004 with a degree in media design. She is graduate of the film young talent program TP2-Talent Pool 2005 and participant of the international Producing workshop at ifs Cologne 2014 and 2023 participant at EURODOC. As a director she has realized "Sing it Loud -Luthers Erben in Tansania"(with 3sat) and several short films including "Zwischen Kopf und Himmel" ( MDR, 3Sat). We released films like “This Rain will never Stop” by Alina Gorlowa or “The other side of everything” by Mila Turajli? or “The other Side of the River” by Antonia Kilian, "HIVE" by Blerta Basholli or "God exits her name is Petrunya by Teona Mitevska. Our latest film is "Vamos a la playa" by Bettina Blümner.

Carl-Ludwig Rettinger
CEO (Lichtblick Film)

Holding a M.A. degree in Mass Media, Film and Theatre, Carl-Ludwig Rettinger was commissioning editor at the German public broadcaster ZDF for independent feature films and documentaries. 1991 he became shareholder and CEO of the film production company LICHTBLICK FILM, based in Cologne.

Mariana Schneider
Kuratorium junger deutscher Film (Kuratorium junger deutscher Film)

Mariana Schneider works as head of Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, a nationwide fund dedicated to the support of emerging talents and their first and second films.

Bernhard Simek
Audio Project Developer (LEONINE Studios)

Bernhard Simek used to be Head of Documentary at German Films, acting at the intersection between German documentary films and the international stage. He studied visual anthropology, psychology and intercultural communication in Munich and worked in radio as editor and presenter. These days he works at LEONINE Studios as audio project developer.

Franziska Sonder
Producer (Ensemble Film GmbH)

Franziska Sonder worked several years in film production. In 2016 she attended the German-French Masterclass Ludwigsburg-Paris at the Ludwigsburg Film Academy and la fémis in Paris, she participated in the Ex Oriente development programme and was among the participants in Eurodoc 2018. Franziska Sonder works as a producer in Zurich. The first full-length documentaries DIDA by Corina Schwingruber Ili? and Nikola Ili? and MERCI DE VOTRE VISITE by Julia Furer are currently in production.

Marcus Vetter
Commissioning Editor (SWR, Junger Dokumentarfilm)

Marcus Vetter (born in 1967) graduated in Economics (1991) and Media Theory and Practice at the University of Tuebingen (1994). Since 1995 he has been working as a producer and documentary director for ARD/SWR. His films have received attention at national and international film festivals and won numerous prizes, among which are 3 Adolf Grimme Awards. Since 2017 he is working for SWR as commissioning editor for the documentary slot “Junger Dokumentarfilm”

Ralph Wieser
Founder, Producer (Mischief Films)

Before establishing Mischief Films, Ralph Wieser was programming director of an arthouse cinema and managing cultural events and film projects. In 2002 he founded together with director Georg Misch the independent production company Mischief Films and started producing creative documentaries for cinema and television. Focusing on collaborations with innovative auteurs, Mischief encourages directors to develop their own distinctive style and support their creative approaches from unique angles.
Ralph Wieser is member of the European Film Academy, the Austrian Film Academy, the Austrian Documentary Association ( He is a graduate and board member of EURODOC and lecturer and expert at international workshops and festivals.

Jakob Zimmermann
Commissioning Editor (ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel)

Jakob Zimmermann has been working as a commissioning editor at ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehenspiel since the beginning of 2021. Before that he worked as a reader for various fiction departments of ZDF, as a freelance screenwriter and as head of conception in a video production company. Jakob Zimmermann is an Alumni of the Drehbuchwerkstatt München. He studied theatre, film and media studies and American studies in Frankfurt am Main and Prague.