Meet the Experts: und DOK.lab

Open consultation with Nicole Leykauf from the Münchner Filmwerkstatt and with Thomas Riedelsheimer from the Drehbuchwerkstatt München


Open consultation with Nicole Leykauf from the Münchner Filmwerkstatt and with Thomas Riedelsheimer from the Drehbuchwerkstatt München.

This event gives the opportunity to get to know the two training programmes of the Münchner Filmwerkstatt and the Drehbuchwerkstatt München:
The writers' workshop for non-fictional material DOK.lab offers filmmakers the opportunity to advance their current documentary film project under professional guidance and to take films in the various stages of production to the next level. Director of studies and documentary producer Nicole Leykauf will introduce the DOK.lab in an open session and take time for your questions. is the free young talent development programme of the Drehbuchwerkstatt München. It is open to all documentary film authors who, after completing their training, want to realise a debut film under professional guidance until it is ready for shooting. The award-winning documentary filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer will answer all your questions and explain the advantages and possibilities of the programme.


Nicole Leykauf, DOK.lab
Thomas Riedelsheimer,

Event information

The event will be held in German.

The event will be held on site.

  • So., 07.05.23
    HFF - Seminarraum 5
  • So., 07.05.23
    HFF - Seminarraum 5