
Pitch for the award for new narrative formats | sponsored by the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for New Media (BLM) and endowed with 2,500 euros

How is film narration changing due to the development of new technologies? Sponsored by the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for New Media (BLM) and endowed with 2,500 euros, the – Award for New Narrative Formats seeks innovative solutions for the storytelling of documentary or journalistic factual content.

The pitches are open to the public, and the jury and audience can ask questions after the pitches.
The winner will be announced at the Award Ceremony on 4 May.

The nominees 2024

FAKE IT TILL YOU BREAK IT, 4-channel video installation by Natalia Jobe, Theresa Hoffmann and Felizitas Hoffmann
Appeal against sexualised violence – a 4-channel video installation about deepfake pornography

GESTÄNDNISSE EINES NEONAZIS, Documentary by Dennis Leiffels and Martin Benedix
“Michael” was in the right-wing scene for decades. In the documentary series, he unpacks as a virtual avatar.

SALZSAMMLER, Interactive XR game by Nic Schilling
Interactive and immersive: Playfully explore the history of Regensburg in an XR floor projection.

STADTKLIMA HALLE, Web-based AR exhibition format by Maren Schuster and Paul Kirsten
What is Halle doing for the climate? AR exhibitions in the urban space show climate protests and the climate-friendly city of the future.

THE TRUE FILM, Interactive VR experience by Christina Zimmermann
The avatars of Friedel and Lili Kracauer's restless souls explore the estate of the founder of film sociology.

Jury and Moderation

Marion Guth, Producer, abahn
Clarens Grollmann, Producer, K5 Factory
Max Permantier, Consultant for XR/VR/Web Series, FFF Bayern
Antonia Rahofer, Deputy Head of the Film Department, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Katharina Schulz, Funding Consultant, Bavarian Regulatory Authority for New Media

Moderated by Sebastian Sorg, Creative Producer and Consultant for Film and Innovative Media

Event information and tickets

The event will be held in German.

This is a hybrid event.

The event is open to accredited and the public.
For accredited :

  • To attend online, please click on the zoom link.
  • To attend on site, please apply for accreditation. To accreditation.

For the public:

  • To attend online, please click on the zoom link.
  • To attend on site, please book a free ticket in advance.

After the event: Lunch in the foyer of the HFF (for accredited only)

Award sponsor

  • Logo Sponsor
  • Sa., 04.05.24
    HFF - Kino 1
  • Sa., 04.05.24
    HFF - Kino 1
Clarens Grollmann
(K5 Factory)

Clarens Grollmann, based in Munich, Germany, is a producer and technical director known for his extensive work in the film and games industry. At ARRI Media GmbH, he pioneered VR/AR and developed groundbreaking applications. Currently, Grollmann leads innovative projects in VR/AR and gamification at K5 Factory GmbH, using his expertise to create immersive experiences. His work as a producer at enigma film GmbH showcases his skills in film production, where he has contributed to notable works in the MENA region and beyond. Grollmann's unique blend of creative vision and technical understanding allows him to navigate both the traditional and digital media landscape.

Marion Guth
(Marion Guth)

Co-founder of a_BAHN, an award-winning production company based in Luxembourg, Marion is a creative producer specialising in impact production, active audience engagement and blending the worlds of feature films, TV series and new immersive experiences.

Max Permantier
Förderreferent XR/VR/Webserie (FFF Bayern)
Antonia Rahofer
Stv. Leiterin Abteilung "Film" (Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport)

Mag.a Antonia Rahofer ? Currently: Adviser & Deputy Head of the Film Department of Division IV – Arts and Culture at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport ? Cultural Manager and Project Coordinator, Managing Editor and Programmer in the film and arts sector (documenta 14, Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film, steirischer herbst, etc.; 2010 – 2020); ? Academic Staff and Lecturer in the field of Cultural Studies and Art History since 2008 (University of Innsbruck, University of Art and Design Linz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, etc.) ? Degree studies in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Vienna and Aix-Marseille II (2003 – 2008)

Katharina Schulz
Referentin bei der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM) (Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM))
Sebastian Sorg
(Sebastian Sorg Creative)

Sebastian Sorg is a creative project developer for film and innovative media who is based in Munich, Germany. After creating and managing at DOK.fest Munich, he focussed on project development, financing strategies and funding.