BEYOND THE IMAGES - Camera-day presented by ARRI

Narrative documentaries live from their immediacy. DOP's are repeatedly confronted with challenges: Decisions have to be made spontaneously and intuitively - the responsibility often lies with the people behind the camera.

For the first time, DOK.fest dedicates a whole day to camera work in documentary film. BEYOND THE IMAGES focuses on creative, technical, collaborative and social aspects of the working reality of DOP's. An industry day for documentary filmmakers and especially the people behind the camera.

Following BEYOND THE IMAGES, we invite all participants to attend the award ceremony of the ARRI AMIRA AWARD. The ticket for BEYOND THE IMAGES is also valid for the award ceremony. More information here.


New and Different - constantly
Rising expectations on DOP's
Keynote and panel
10.00-13.00, HFF Audimax

The demands on DOP'S are constantly increasing -  producers, as well as directors and editors set high standards. At the same time, the technical conditions are subject to constant change. We discuss the work of DOPs with representatives from the different areas.

Moderation: Prof. Michael Leuthner (Macromedia University), Daniel Sponsel (DOK.fest)
Guests: Petra Felber (editor), Ingo Fließ (producer), Christian Frei (filmmaker) and Pauline Roenneberg (filmmaker), Christoph Hutterer (editor)
The talks will be held in german, english translation will be provided.



Storage Workflow Update
Workshop with David Newton (de/eng)
14.00-15.00 and 15.45-16.45, HFF Cinema 2

Speed and security in handling data storage are not only a challenge for large film productions. Recording, backup and archiving require reliable solutions, especially when budgets are tight. We show you how to get your data under control with the right hardware and software.

Speakers: David Newton (filmmaker), Christoph Fries (MacConsult)

In cooperation with MacConsult


AG DOK camera test
14.00-15.30, HFF Audimaxx

AG DOK has examined the majority of currently relevant cameras in the documentary film sector. The selection included devices of all price ranges with log or RAW recording. The tests focus on image quality. The team presents the test images via DCP and illuminates misguided views regarding 4k, number of sensor pixels and resolution.

Workshop leaders: Rasmus Sievers (cameraman), Felix Trolldenier (colorist, Trollfilm)
The workshop will be held in german, english translation will be provided.

In cooperation with AG DOK



Raus aus der Preisfalle!
15.45–17.15 Uhr, HFF Audimax

Vorsicht! Wer sich auf Preiskämpfe einlässt, sitzt schnell in der Falle. Denn wer wenig verdient, braucht jeden Auftrag – auch schlecht bezahlte. Ein Teufelskreis. Der Workshop Raus aus der Preisfalle! erklärt, wie man dieser Logik entrinnt: Er zeigt, warum selbständig verdientes Geld viel weniger wert ist als Arbeitslohn von Angestellten. Er führt vor, wie Kameraleute selbst schlechte Bezahlung provozieren. Und er liefert einen systematischen Ansatz für alle Freelancer, gute Arbeit in besseres Geld zu verwandeln.

Workshopleitung: Ingo Däubner (Kameramann)
This workshop will be held in german only


Masterclass with Richard Ladkani
18.00 - 19.00, HFF Audimax

The award-winning director and DOP Richard Ladkani recently caused an international sensation with his Netflix documentary "Ivory Game" about illegal ivory trade. In a master class at DOK.fest Munich, the Austrian talks about his current film project. It is about the fight against the destruction of an entire ecosystem and how ARRI camera technology helped him during the difficult shooting in the waters off the coast of Mexico. The Masterclass ends with a Q&A session.
The masterclass will be held in german, english translation will be provided.

In cooperation with ARRI



Award Ceremony: ARRI AMIRA AWARD
20:00 - 22:30, HFF Audimax

The ARRI AMIRA Award honours outstanding documentary camera work. It is endowed with 5,000 euros.

This year, Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor will be honored for their cinematographic achievements with their film CANIBA. "Our own need to distance ourselves becomes ever greater, we feel pressed, we literally squirm in front of the screen, but we cannot escape. Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor create this inescapable confrontation through their clever and consistent image design. They force us to trace our own limits and cross them at the same time," wrote the jury in its statement.



Tickets: 20,00 EUR / reduced: 10,00 Euro Tickets for BEYONS THE IMAGES are also valide for the ARRI AMIRA AWARD Ceremony

Tickets are on sale via München Tickets. Holder of a DOK.fest accreditation can purchase reduced tickets starting from May, 2nd in in the Festival Centre.

Partner of BEYOND THE IMAGES and donor of the ARRI AMIRA AWARD is ARRI

  • Mo., 07.05.18
    HFF - Audimax
  • Mo., 07.05.18
    HFF - Audimax
Christian Frei
Film author, Film director and Film producer

The Swiss director and producer Christian Frei is considered one of the most innovative and captivating documentary filmmakers the presence. He was nominated for an Academy Award  with War Photographer (2001). For his latest endeavor he reached out to Siberian filmmaker Maxim Arbugaev as co-director and cinematographer. Genesis 2.0 (2018) won the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Best Cinematography at Sundance 2018.

Ingo Däubner
Bundesverband der Fernseh-Kameraleute

Ingo Däubner has been making films for over two decades: as a DOP, as an author and director and as a managing director. As a fee representative of the BVFK (Federal Association of Television Cameramen) he is committed to a fair payment of filmand television producers. After completing his studies in audiovisual media and pedagogy, he completed numerous business education courses in marketing and negotiation and also completed a trainer education at the ARD / ZDF Media Academy.

David Newton

David Newton works as filmmaker across a variety of filming genres, including documentary. His story to tell relies on his equipment to work wherever he may find himself. Be it a trail runner in the English Lake District or a Heart Transplant triathlete. David will show you his workflow behind the scenes.

Rasmus Sievers

Rasmus Sievers worked as a cinematographer for various film and television productions, such as NDR and Deutsche Welle,even before studying cinematography at the film school HFF "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg. At the same time, he gained experience as a cinematographer in Berlin. Since graduating in 2008, he has made numerous film productions, primarily in documentary film and advertising.

Pauline Roenneberg

Pauline Roenneberg studied documentary film at the HFF Munich.

In 2013 she was awarded the Starter Film Prize of the City of Munich.

For the documentary series früher oder später (wirFILM / BR), she accompanied the life and death of a Bavarian community for over three years.

The series celebrates its world premiere at the DOK.fest in Munich in 2018 and is nominated for the German Documentary Music Prize.

Christoph Fries
Solution Expert Mac Consult

Christoph Fries, MacConsult, talks about new storage solutions and workflow software. Different requirements require different equipment, voted perfect for each other.


Petra Felber
Head of Department; Commisioning Editor Documentaries (BR)

Petra Felber studied in Paris, Kiel and Munich and is holding a Magister in new German literature, political science and psychology. She worked as academic and artistic assistant at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and was teaching and consulting at Hochschule für Fernsehen and Film München (HFF Munich). Since 2002 Petra Felber is commissioning editor at Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) responsible for documentaries and since 2013 she is head of documentaries at Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Ingo Fliess
Filmproduktion (if... Productions Film GmbH)

After graduating in Art History he worked as agent and managing director at Verlag der Autoren. 2007 he founded if... Productions, specialized in auteur-driven documentary and feature films. Teaches at various filmschools, lives with his family in Munich. He is member of the German and the European Film Academy and German Producers Association / Produzentenverband.

Prof. Michael Leuthner

For further information please switch to the German page.