Bildet Banden!

Für mehr Frauen in der Dokumentarfilmbranche

Dokumentarfilmerinnen werden oft finanziell und strukturell benachteiligt. Es ist an der Zeit, konkrete Strategien zu erarbeiten, um bestehende Machtverhältnisse zu verändern. In parallel laufenden Workshops und Expert.innengesprächen nehmen Pro Quote Film und die AG DOK brennende Fragen in Angriff und entwerfen Lösungsvorschläge.


14:30 – 15:30 Uhr, Audimax

Pro Quote Regie ist nun Pro Quote Film. Denn in allen Gewerken der Filmbranche werden Frauen immer noch benachteiligt. In diesem Sinne lassen wir verschiedene Gewerke zu Wort kommen, um uns gegenseitig über den Stand der Dinge aufzuklären. Lasst uns voneinander lernen!


Moderation: Alice Agneskirchner, Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin, AG DOK
Vertreterinnen Gewerke: 
Britta Wauer, Produzentin, AG DOK
Cornelia Grünberg, Autorin, Regisseurin, Produzentin, PQF und Vorstand BVR.
Julia Schlingmann, DOP
Christine Aufderhaar, Filmkomponistin


EXPERT.INNNENGESPRÄCH: Film & Familie = Filmfamilie? 
15:30 – 16:45 Uhr, HFF Audimax

Kleine Budgets, unbezahlte, zeitintensive Recherchen, unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten, langwierige Postproduktionen - das ist der Alltag von Dokumentarfilmschaffenden. Unter diesen besonderen Herausforderungen stellt sich die Frage: Wie sind Beruf und Familie zu vereinbaren? Auf der Bühne des Audimax stellen Filmfrauen ihren Lebens- und Schaffensweg vor. Gemeinsam werden wir Visionen entwickeln wie die PQF-Forderung nach der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie für Dokumentarfilmschaffende im Filmproduktionsalltag umgesetzt werden können. Partner und Kinder sind willkommen.

Moderation: Cornelia Grünberg, Autorin, Regisseurin, Produzentin, PQF und Vorstand BVR.
Susanne Kurz, Kamerafrau
Britta Wauer, Filmemacherin, AG DOK
Prof. Karin Jurschick, HFF Abteilung Dokumentarfilm, AG DOK
Katharina Köster, Filmemacherin


15:30 – 16:45 Uhr, Seminarraum 1

Filmfrauen werden häufig massiv finanziell benachteiligt. Das zeigen die neusten Statistiken. Was können Filmfrauen dafür tun, dass sie zukünftig fair entlohnt werden und angemessene Vertragsbedingungen erhalten? Gemeinsam mit Dr. Heidrun Huber entwickeln wir einen praktischen Leitfaden. 

Workshopleitung: Dr. Heidrun Huber, Rechtsanwältin


15:30 – 16:45, Seminarraum 2

Das Verleih- und Vertriebsgeschäft ist fest in Männerhand. Zudem sind Sender nur noch selten Partner. Wie also erreichen Filmemacherinnen künftig ihr Publikum? Wir untersuchen neue Wege, die Festivals und Kinos schon früh mit einbinden und Förderinstitutionen überzeugen. 

Workshopleitung: Nicole Joens, Produzentin und Autorin, AG DOK
Anne Harder, Neues Maxim
Uschi Reich, Produzentin
Walter Steffen, Filmemacher, AG DOK
Monika Kijas, eksystent Verleih
Matthias Helwig, Kino Breitwand


16.45 – 17.30 Uhr, HFF Audimax

Die Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Workshops werden dem gesamten Auditorium präsentiert.

Moderation: Alice Agneskirchner, Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin, AG DOK

ab 17.30 Uhr, HFF Foyer

Das Kamerafrauen-Netzwerk cinematographers xx germany lädt herzlich zu Bier, Brezn und Obazdn ein.

Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten: 

Titelbild: LaDOC Filmnetzwerk/ Christiane Büchner


  • So., 06.05.18
    HFF - Audimax
  • So., 06.05.18
    HFF - Audimax
Matthias Helwig
Head of the Fünf-Seen-Filmfestival, Starnberg and surroundings

Studies at the HFF Munich, since 1986 operator of the "Breitwand" program cinemas in Starnberg, Schloss Seefeld and
Herrsching with well over 100 awards for the outstanding annual film, documentary and children's film program, 1997 + 2014 Best Cinema in Germany, 2008 Tassilo Prize Winner of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2009-2015 Deputy Chairman of the AG
Kino-Gilde, Cinema Representative in the Screenplay Commission of the FFA and in the Rental Commission of the BKM,
2010 Cinema Champion in Germany, since 2007 Director of the Five Lakes Film Festival (www., since 2014 director of the Children and Youth Film Festival of the Five Lakes Film Festival

Karin Jurschick
Dept. IV, Documentary Film (HFF München)

Born 1959 in Essen, living and working in Munich and Berlin. Cultural editor. From 1990 director for public German TV. Lecturer at universities such as Cologne's Academy of Media Arts and the Universities of Bochum and Berlin. Since 2000 director and producer of full-length documentaries. Awards include: FIPRESCI, Berlinale Forum / ARTE-Dokumentarfilmpreis / Prix Regard Neuf, Visions du Réel / ADOLF GRIMME AWARD / First Documentary Award, HOT DOCS, Toronto. Since October 2017 professor for documentary film at the University for Film and Television (HFF) Munich.

Katharina Köster

Katharina Köster won the "Green Laurel" for writing talent from the Eckenroth Foundation. Her love of writing led her to study screenwriting at the HFF Munich in 2005 and her love of people led her to study documentary film. Her dramaturgical work influences her documentary films and her documentary approach shapes her writing.

Nicole Joens
Author, Producer, represents the AG DOK in the German Cultural Council

Educated in the USA in the subjects Film & Art History (BFA). From 1990 to 2010 he worked primarily for the ÖRR (screenplay fiction). Since 2010 as a producer and author with her own company in search of more independent ways. The CINDIGOfilm GmbH, Munich works mainly with film women. The first cinema documentary "Woodstock in Timbuktu - The Art of Resistance" received a special mention for the film.

Dr. Heidrun Huber
Lawyer and Author

Dr. Heidrun Huber is a lawyer and author of numerous publications on the subjects of film law, personality rights and copyright law. She studied law in Munich and obtained her doctorate in film copyright law in Konstanz. She started her career at Bavaria Film. She is a lecturer at the University of Television and Film Munich, guest lecturer at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg and represents as a lawyer in particular authors, agencies, producers, directors, actors, presenters.

Julia Schlingmann

Julia Schlingmann was born in 1981 in Wolfsburg. After graduation she moved to Hamburg where she found her passion for image design through photography. Before she successfully studied at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg to gain her degree there in 2013, she worked for several years as a camera assistant and lighting designer for advertising and television productions. Since then, she has realized numerous successful scenic and documentary films as a cinematographer, celebrating her premieres at renowned film festivals around the world. Among them Camerimage, international emmy awards (winner 2016), Locarno, Max Ophüls Festival, Hot Docs, Idfa Amsterdam, Seattle IFF, Film Show B-W (winner 2012). Julia Schlingmann has been a member of the Management Board of BVK since January 2018.

Susanne Kurz
MdL Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Mitglied des BR Rundfunkrates

Ausbildung, beruflicher Werdegang: 
1994 Abitur am Kurfürst-Ruprecht-Gymnasium Neustadt/Weinstraße (Pfalz). 1995/99 HFF München Dokumentarfilm & Fernsehpublizistik, 1999/2001 Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie Amsterdam-Kamera- DAAD-Stipendiatin, 2001/09 HFF München Kamera (Diplom 2009),  seit 1999 Filmemacherin, seit 2004 Lehraufträge, freie Dozentin für Film im In- und Ausland, seit 2014 Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin HFF München.

Politische Funktionen
Seit 2017 Mitglied BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN.Mitgliedschaften, Ehrenämter, Auszeichnungen Pro Quote Film, ver.di, Greencity, Pro Film, Cinematographinnen, BUND, Deutscher Jugendherbergsverband, Freunde und Förderer der HFF München, 2009 Nationaler Bildgestalterinnenpreis, Young Civis Media Award ARD EBU, Paul-Klinger-Künstlersozialwerk u. a.Mitgliedschaft im Landtag,

weitere Funktionen
MdL seit 5. November 2018; Mitglied des Ausschusses für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Sprecherin für Kulturpolitik und Film der Fraktion Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN

Christine Aufderhaar

Before getting a degree in double major film scoring and classical composition at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Christine Aufderhaar studied piano performance at the University of Music, Lugano. During her studies in Boston she was awarded the Richard Levi Award for her compositions and received several scholarships and culture awards in the US and in Switzerland. Afterwards she worked in Hollywood in various studios with renowned film composers. In 2007, the members of the Federation of Film & Audiovisual Composers of Europe selected Christine Aufderhaar as "European Composer 2008 for Switzerland" and in 2013 she was nominated for the German Musikautorenpreis. Her concert and stage music is performed internationally. Since 2002 Christine Aufderhaar lives and works in Berlin. From 2004 to 2007 she taught film scoring as an Associate Professor for the Film University Babelsberg, Konrad Wolf. Since 2007 she works exclusively as a composer. Christine Aufderhaar is a member of the German Film Academy and the Academy of German Music Authors. She is also a member of the board of DEFKOM (German Fim Composers Union).

Walter Steffen
Regisseur, Konzept + Dialog.Medienproduktion

Walter Steffen (1955 *), Hochschulreife, Studium des Lebens als Hüttenwirt, Hafen- und Fabrikarbeiter, Landvermesser, Trucker, Filmbeleuchter u.v.m. Reisen durch Europa, Nord-, Mittel- & Südamerika, Arabien, Afrika & Asien. Autor und Regisseur einer Theatergruppe. Praktikum an den Münchner Kammerspielen. Diverse Prosa, kurze Drehbücher, Super-8 Kurzfilme.

Seit 1982 Filmschaffender – Volontär bei Michael Verhoeven, Regie- und Produktionsassistent. Seit 1985 Autor/Regisseur für Industrie-, Schulungs- und Imagefilme. Fiktionale Kurzfilme 16/35 mm mit intern. Auszeichnungen (Bilbao, Trondheim, Locarno, u.v.m.). Seit 1991 Drehbuchautor für Film & TV (mehr als 50 Drehbücher). Seit 2007 auch Autor, Regisseur, Produzent und Verleiher von Dokumentar- & Spielfilmen.

Dokumentarfilme (Auswahl): „Bulldogs“ Kinostart 9/2008, „Netz & Würm“ Kinostart 11/2009, „Zeug & Werk“ Kinostart 11/2010, „Endstation Seeshaupt“ Kinostart 4/2011, „Gradaus Daneben“ Kinostart 11/2011, „München in Indien“ 90 Min. Kinostart 1/2013, „Trüffeljagd im 5Seenland“ Kinostart 10/2013, „Bavaria Vista Club“ Kinostart 12/2014, "Happy Welcome" Kinostart 11/2015, "Fahr ma obi am Wasser..." Kinostart 5/2017

Anne Harder
Cinema operator Neues Maxim
Studies of geosciences, work at various film festivals and cinemas, 2016 reopening of the new Maxim cinema in Munich.
Monika Kijas
Entrepreneur, film distributor
Cornelia Grünberg
Autorin, Regisseurin, Produzentin, PQF und Vorstand BVR
Studied DffB screenwriting and directing, non-fiction: "Hold me, Love me", "FOURTEEN - adult in 9 months", "Fabienne", "EIGHTEEN - risk life", in preparation: "TEN - children of children", "28 - the art to go your own way"; Fiction: "Paul Four", "Time of Silence", "First Kiss", "Two in a Boat", "School on the Lake", "Insane Women", "", "The Ten Commandments", "Einstein Castle ", in preparation:" Der Bahnhofsvorsteher "," EMP "
Alice Agneskirchner
Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin, AG DOK

1985 Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: Political Science / Theater Studies / German and Comparative Folklore

Foundation of the Munich student theater MÜST

Assistant director at the Landestheater Salzburg

1989 Directing studies at the Film and Television Academy "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Graduated in 1995 with diploma.

Since 1995 freelance writer / director for documentary films, documentaries, documentary series and image films - different formats, lengths and genres, crossover projects with feature film elements

From 2003 - 2007 lecturer at the Filmakademie Ludwigsburg - lecturer for the camera / editing / directing students of the elementary studies documentary film

Since 2011 member of the German Film Academy / German Television Academy 2015 artist scholarship "Villa Aurora" in Los Angeles, cinema presentation: An apartment in Berlin / research for 2 feature film projects / exhibition of the resulting photo-paintings in the gallery Gloria-Delson -Contemparary Type


20 x Brandenburg - GRIMMEPREIS 2011 (for the overall project)

Dear Mama, I hardly knew you - FFF-Bayern SUPPORT PRIZE 2008


Raulien's Revier FILM SCHOOL PREMIERE PRIZE (forerunner of FIRST STEPS), GOLDEN HUGO International Filmfest Chicago, participation in numerous festivals, among others. Hof International Film Festival, Saarbrücken Film Festival, Duisburg Film Week, Leipzig Documentary Week, Lünen Film Festival, Munich Film Festival, Cinema du Reel Paris

Cheerleader StoriesHDF Short Film Award (Premiere TV) at the TV Film Festival Venice


Uschi Reich

Ever since Uschi Reich took over the management of Bavaria Filmverleih und Produktions GmbH in 1996, she became one of the most successful producers of German children‘s and juvenile films. When producing the movies“ “When Santa fell to Earth” based on a novel by Cornelia Funke, “Here comes Lola!", „Wild Chicks 1-3“, „Bibi Blocksberg 1+2“ and the film adaptions of the three Erich Kästner books "Punktchen and Anton", "Emil and the Detectives" and „The Flying Classroom" (1998-2002), she made sure young talents behind and in front of the camera were given a chance to prove their skills – and was sure rewarded for it by a tremendous box-office success as well as numerous awards such as the Golden Lola awarded to her for "The Flying Classroom" as well as the Bavarian Film Award. „A Year ago in Winter“ (director: Caroline Link) won the Silver Lola, i.e. the German Film Award in Silver (Silver Lola) at the German Film Awards 2009. The European bestsellernovel “The Taste of Apple Seeds” by Katharina Hagena was one of her successful films for adults, „Kammerflimmern“ and above all BELOVED SISTERS by director Dominik Graf won different German Film and international film awards.

In 2014 Uschi Reich left Bavaria Film and opened her own company. She produced 2016 a documentary about the famous Jazz Musician Klaus Doldinger and the children's film DAS DOPPELTE LOTTCHEN after the famous novel from Erich Kästner. THREE MEN IN THE SNOW, also by Erich Kästner, is now in preproduction Uschi Reich is also organizing MUSIKFESTIVAL AM WOLFGANGGANGSEE, a small but fine Festival for classical music on Wolfgangsee, near Salzburg.

Britta Wauer
Author, Director and Producer

Britta Wauer, born and based in Berlin, is an award-winning director and producer. In 2005, she founded Britzka Film as a production company for independent documentaries. "In Heaven, Underground" about the Berlin Jewish cemetery in Weissensee won the Panorama Audience Award at the Berlin Int'l Film Festival in 2011. In 2016, her portrait "Rabbi Wolff" was one of the highest crossing documentaries in German cinemas. Britta Wauer received the DEFA award for outstanding performance in the German Film. She is a member of the German F