Student Award

The films submitted in 2019 for the Student Award made one thing clear: here is a generation that captures the screen with a fresh and radical take on the world.



Deutschland 2018 – Director: Christin Freitag – including Q&A – Length: 90 min.

  • Fr., 10.05.19
    HFF - Kino 1

Malcolm has a dream: in the end, when he can’t feel the fatigue and pain any more, his fists are hoisted into the air: “The Winner is…!” This young man from LA’s reality consists of poverty, a lack of opportunities and a dream. A boxer, a drama, a film.

Writer: Christin Freitag. Camera: Max Preiss. Editing: Anne Jünemann. Music: Jonathan Ritzel. Production: BASIS BERLIN Filmproduktion GmbH. Producer: Tobias N. Siebert, Eva Kemme, Ansgar Frerich. International Sales: BASIS BERLIN Filmproduktion Distribution: BASIS BERLIN FILMPRODUKTION GmbH

  • Fr., 10.05.19
    HFF - Kino 1