Open Air / DOK.panorama

free admission

The formal qualities of the films in our DOK.panorama competition are as diverse as their themes and represent the diversity of documentary narratives.

Supporting film: FAULES HEU by Lennart Heidtmann (HFF München), 2018, 8 Min.


Dänemark, Afghanistan, Austrialien 2018 – Director: Travis Beard – Original with English subtitles, Open Air, free admission – Length: 90 min.

  • Di., 14.05.19
    Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film

Heavy metal in Kabul? "District Unknown" was the first and only heavy metal band in Afghanistan, its members - young protagonists of a new beginning, the music - a liberation blow. "The Rise and Fall of ..." quite different.

Writer: Travis Beard. Camera: Travis Beard, Ellie Kealey, David Gill. Sound: Brendan Croxon. Editing: Travis Beard, Reginald Simek. Music: Jason Beard aka. Major Delay. Production: No Thing Production. Producer: Brooke Tia Silcox. International Sales: Monoduo Films. Distribution: Monoduo Films.

  • Di., 14.05.19
    Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film