PLAYGROUND DOCUMENTARY is a format at, carefully developed for our international industry guests. As far as @home can be accessed by industry professionals from all over the world, we are strengthening the format for this edition, offering playground sessions on different artistic and commercial topics. 

The core of PLAYGROUND is the informal atmosphere that invites speakers and audience as equals, to exchange ideas and talk about their projects and difficulties. Creating this special atmosphere within the virtual space will be a challenge for experts and audience, but we are looking forward to mastering this challenge together with all of you. 

See below for the sessions.


Workshop for a Successful International Distribution

Speaker: Pauline Mazenod (Windrose)
Saturday, 09. May 2020, 10.00 am

Click here for the event


Reach the Audience! Digital Marketing Strategies for Documentaries

Speaker: Mathias Noschis (alphapanda)
Saturday, 09. May 2020, 12.00 am

Click here for the event


Expand Your Narrative Space with Digital Storytelling 

Speaker: Patrick Mueller (Docmine)
Saturday, 09. May 2020, 2.00 pm

Click here for the event


SPACE DOGS – A Case Study on Editing for Documentary Filmmakers

Anne Fabini, Iikka Vehkalahti (Rough Cut Service)
Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter (Filmmakers)

Saturday, 09. May 2020, 4.00 pm

Click here for the event



presented by XPLR: Media in Bavaria

  • Sa., 09.05.20
  • Sa., 09.05.20
Pauline Mazenod
Sales (Windrose)

Pauline Mazenod is Windrose's CEO, specialized in the international distribution of documentaries & performances. She lives between Paris, France where Windrose has its head office & Bavaria, Germany where her team is based. Holder of degrees in political science, music, arts & culture international management (master) and business administration (MBA), she has 20 years experience in the cultural & film sector in political and operational functions. She has an extensive experience of teaching and also acts as a consultant.

Patrick M. Müller
Producer (DOCMINE)

Swiss documentary film producer Patrick M. Müller is a pioneer in the field of factual digital storytelling. His projects have won, among others, the Grimme Online Award, Best of Apple App Store, German eBook Award of Bookfair Frankfurt and Worlddidac Award. He is a graduate of the University of Television and Film Munich and founder and co-owner of Zurich based Studio Docmine. His latest project is an interactive videobook about Carl Lutz:




Mathias Noschis

Mathias Noschis has 15 years experience working in marketing, social media and online PR in film and TV. He is the founder of Alphapanda, a film marketing agency with team members in Berlin, Warsaw and Geneva. Mathias has worked on span from fiction films The Orphanage (Cannes ’19), A Colony (Berlinale ’19), Another Day of Life (Cannes ’18), Touch Me Not (Berlinale ’18 Golden Bear) and God’s Own Country (Sundance ’17) to documentaries Lessons of Love (IDFA ’19), Lemebel (Berlinale ’19), Heartbound (TIFF ’18) or Hollywood titles Joker (Venice ’19), The Favourite (Venice ’18), and Shape of Water. Mathias is also a consultant for Creative Europe MEDIA and a marketing expert and tutor for organisations such as ACE Producers, Locarno Industry Academy, Dok.Incubator and IFFR Lab.