Presentation of the three main festival awards

VIKTOR Main Competition, VIKTOR DOK.deutsch, VIKTOR DOK.horizonte


We cordially invite you to the award ceremony of the main awards of DOK.fest München @home. In the presence of the prizewinners and representatives of the jury and prize donors, we will ceremoniously award the VIKTOR Main Competition, VIKTOR DOK.deutsch, VIKTOR DOK.horizonte. Moderation: Christina Wolf

VIKTOR Main Competition

The main prize of the festival honours outstanding films in the main competition The VIKTOR Main Competition is endowed with 10,000 euros and is donated by Bayerischer Rundfunk.

VIKTOR DOK.deutsch

The DOK.deutsch competition presents films that deal with people and events in the German-speaking world. The VIKTOR DOK.deutsch is endowed with 5,000 euros.

VIKTOR DOK.horizonte

The films in the DOK.horizonte competition tell of countries in transition. They are nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte, endowed with 5,000 euros, donated by the Petra-Kelly-Stiftung.


  • Sa., 16.05.20
  • Sa., 16.05.20