Meet your prejudice!

Exhibition at Motorama, Münchner Stadtbibliothek

What is it like to meet a drag queen? What questions do I ask a wheelchair user without being hurtful? And what is everyday racism? In the exhibition "Meet your prejudice!" young people deal with prejudice and discrimination and challenge the audience to become active themselves.


Vernissage & panel discussion  

Friday, May 06, 5 p.m. 

We welcome you to the opening of the exhibition and a panel discussion with the students and protagonists of the project. 



Monday, May 02 until Thursday, May 19, 2022 

at Motorama, Münchner Stadtbibliothek 

Rosenheimer Str. 30-32, 81669 Munich 


Guided tours for school classes 

Individual guided tours for school classes are offered on two dates. If you are interested, please contact us at

You can find all information on our project page.


  • Fr., 06.05.22
    Münchner Stadtbibliothek, Motorama
  • Fr., 06.05.22
    Münchner Stadtbibliothek, Motorama