

Spanien, Schweiz 2020 – Director: Luis López Carrasco – Original with English subtitles – Length: 200 min.

  • Thu, 5/12/22

Spain, 1992 – the year of the superlative. Less than 10 years in the EU and already it's time to celebrate. There are the Olympics in Barcelona, Expo in Seville and the 500th anniversary of the “discovery” of America. In Cartagena, however, away from all the glitz, decisions are taken that have an impact on the local industry. The atmosphere is explosive. In a bar we get to know “the people”. Elena Álvarez Lutz


No youth rating


Luis López Carrasco

Born in Murcia, he studies at the ECAM film school in Madrid. Carrasco is co-founder of the cineastic magazine Los Olvidados and the film collective Los Hijos (the Children) and is a lecturer at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He works as a filmmaker, writer and visual artist.


EL FUTURO, ES 2013, 67 min.
ALIENS, ES 2017, 23 min.


Retrospective: Franquismo in Spain

Franco's legacy – for a long time a culturally untouched, nationwide trauma that has become a defining part of Spanish identity. We present six films from four decades of facing and coping with Franquismo.

This project has been possible with the support of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).



Production: LaCima Producciones. Producer: Luis Ferron.

  • Thu, 5/12/22