Towards a Participatory Approach

African Encounters Workshop

Participatory approach in documentary film has a long history beginning with seminal documentaries such as NANOOK OF THE NORTH (Flaherty, 1922), in which Nanook made substantial artistic contributions to the film, and CHRONICLE OF A SUMMER (Rouch/ Morin, 1961), in which participants and filmmakers reflect on the filmmaking process in front of the camera. 

The degree and form of participation can differ depending on its purpose. Filmmakers might take this approach to actively engage film participants in constructing the world of the film as an attempt to answer social and ethical questions they are facing. In this interactive workshop, through group work and discussions, we will collectively explore different forms of participatory approaches in documentary films alongside the challenges and opportunities they present. 


Speaker: Rand Beiruty, writer, director and creative producer from Jordan

Moderation: Barbara Off, Africa


This is an on site event open to accredited guests only with a limited number of 20 participants.
Please log in to your account and register via the event page.
All information on initial registration and free accreditation can be found here.


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Rand Beiruty
(Shaghab Films)

Rand Beiruty, based between Amman and Berlin, is a writer, director, producer and co-founder of Shaghab Films, a Jordanian production company. She obtaining a practice-based doctorate from Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Beiruty is an alumna of Berlinale Talents, Beirut Talents, Rotterdam Lab, Locarno Documentary School, ANIDOX:LAB, Film Leader Incubator Asia, Documentary Campus, Robert Bosch Film Prize and Ji.hlava Academy. She has pitched her projects on many international platforms and received awards from Tribeca Film Institute, Mifa Animation du Monde, Arab Cinema Center and European Network of Young Cinema among others. She’s in production of the short animated-documentary SHADOWS; her feature film debut TELL THEM ABOUT US was shown at DOK.fest München in 2024 in the DOK.deutsch competition series.