DOK.deutsch Competition


Österreich 2024 – Director: Reiner Riedler – German original version with English subtitles – Length: 94 min.

  • Thu, 5/9/24
    Atelier 1

New York Times, People Magazine, Spiegel: the renowned photographer Michael Appelt has worked for all the big magazines. Now he is moving in to his former childhood bedroom in order to be there for his mother whose dementia is worsening – or for her to be there for him. After the trauma of a near death experience he is suffering from anxiety and depression himself. A loving and sensitively filmed mother-son story. Anja Klauck



Reiner Riedler studied photography at Höhere Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna and later visual science at Danube University Krems. Riedler’s work is exhibited at photo festivals, galleries and museums worldwide. DIE GUTEN JAHRE is his documentary film debut.


Nominated for the DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb

Intense stories and the unusual on one’s own doorstep: the competition presents films that deal with people and topics in German-speaking countries. The VIKTOR DOK.deutsch Competition is endowed with 7,500 euros. The prize sponsor is Sky.


No FSK youth rating

English/Original Title: THE GOOD YEARS. Writer: Katja Schröckenstein, Reiner Riedler. Camera: Reiner Riedler. Sound: Eva Hausberger, Andi Pils, Maximilian Rosenberger. Editing: Gerhard Daurer Zusätzlicher Schnitt: Martin Biribauer. Music: Imre Lichtenberger Bozoki. Production: Reiner Riedler Filmproduktion. Producer: Reiner Riedler. International Sales: Reiner Riedler Photography. Distribution: Reiner Riedler.

  • Thu, 5/9/24
    Atelier 1