Germany 2014 – Director: Markus Wulf – Original language: Korean – Subtitles: English – Length: 27 min.

  • Di., 12.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

“Buddha doesn’t create any worries; therefore, we call him: Buddha. We, living beings keep creating worries; therefore, we are called: living beings.” Everyone has worries: the woman in the shop has depression; the man is anxious about his job; the schoolgirl is nervous before a test. The modern world is busy, hectic and full of worries. In contrast, there is Buddhism, which aims to give order to worries and overcome them. Incidentally, a monk also has worries.

Camera: Janosch Götze. Sound: Jeong Gimi, Eunji Kim. Editing: Felix Meyer. Production: ifs internationale filmschule köln gmbh. Producer: x. Co-Producers: DIMA Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts.

Student Award 2015
  • Di., 12.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles