Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom 2012 – Director: Mahdi Fleifel – Original language: Arabic, English – Subtitles: English – Length: 93 min.

  • Sa., 11.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    Arabic and English with english subtitles
  • Di., 14.05.13
    City 3
    Arabic and English with english subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    City 3

“Going to Ain el-Helweh was better than going to Disneyland!” Year after year the Danish director, Mahdi Fleifel, has spent his holidays returning to the Palestinian refugee camp where he lived as a child. Here in the south of Lebanon 70,000 people wait for their return to Palestine. While Fleifel can always leave, his friend Abu Eiad is tied to Ain el-Helweh. He doesn’t have a work permit so he passes the time making escape plans. But where do you go in a world that does not belong to you? Accompanied by a Woody Allen-esque soundtrack, Fleifel tells stories from the ghetto and, meanwhile, the film casually puts forward a new perspective on the conflict in the Middle East. The biggest enemy is not Israel but resignation. Anne Thomé 


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English/Original Title: Alam Laysa Lana. Writer: Mahdi Fleifel. Camera: Mahdi Fleifel. Sound: Zhe Wu. Editing: Michael Aaglund. Music: Jon Opstad. Production: Nakba FilmWorks. Producer: Patrick Campbell. Co-Producers: Mahdi Fleifel.

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2013
  • Sa., 11.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    Arabic and English with english subtitles
  • Di., 14.05.13
    City 3
    Arabic and English with english subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    City 3