Deutschland 2004 – Director: Stefan Ludwig – Original language: German – Length: 14 min.

  • Mo., 09.05.05
    Neues Maxim
  • Sa., 14.05.05
    Aid Award, in German

Life at thirteen is not easy. Hansi, short for Johann, named after his father, his grand-father and his great-grandfather, has to fight a lot: at school against the older pupils who beat him up; and at home against his three sisters. And when he’s in trouble with one of them, he’s in trouble with all three. That’s why Hansi loves to play soccer, where he also has to fight, but not alone. On the pitch there are ten others to help him.

Hansi also likes his dog, especially because he’s a male, and he likes sitting with his dad, who works for a recycling company, in his truck. But, of course, what he likes most is being on the pitch. And although his coach thinks his game is "disastrous", Hansi and his team will do their best to make sure their defeat is as small as possible.  And when they are beaten by only 6 to nil, the feeling of victory is not far away and, for once, even the coach is happy.

"Now come on, boys! Faster, come on! Bite bite bite!"

English/Original Title: Bite, Bite, Bite. Writer: Stefan Ludwig. Camera: Thomas Beckmann. Sound: Johannes Rosenstein. Editing: Stefan Ludwig. Music: Martina Eisenreich. Production: HFF München. Producer: HFF München.

New Films from Bavaria (2002-2007) 2005
  • Mo., 09.05.05
    Neues Maxim
  • Sa., 14.05.05
    Aid Award, in German