Germany 2013 – Director: Clara Trischler – Original language: Arabic, English, French, Hebrew – Subtitles: English – Length: 60 min.

  • Sun, 5/10/15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

Although they only live a few kilometres away from the sea, it is not easy for Palestinians to just go there. They need a permit to visit the Israeli territory. Some Israeli women in Tel Aviv make it possible. But how does it feel to take a sip of water from those who deprive you of it? Palestinian children speak about their expectations. How does Israel present itself? How about the Israelis? And what does the sea look like? We accompany the children on their first trip to the sea and, while they are overjoyed to finally be able to see it, the question still remains why it has to be so difficult to get there.

English/Original Title: THE FIRST SEA. Writer: Clara Trischler. Camera: Jakob Fuhr. Sound: Anna Kirst. Editing: Svenja Plaas. Music: Stefan Trischler / Christian Mrazek. Production: Kinomaton Berlin / Clara Trischler. Producer: Sarita Sharma. International Sales: filmdelights, Christa Auderlitzky

Student Award 2015
  • Sun, 5/10/15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles