Germany 2022 – Director: Maksym Melnyk – Original language: German, Ukrainian – Subtitles: English, German, None – Length: 85 min.

  • Sa., 06.05.23
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with editor Jannik Eckenstaler)
  • Do., 11.05.23
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with director Maksym Melnyk)

A priest who blesses cars; a post office without stamps; a piglet as a gift: everyday scenes in Stuzhytsia in Ukraine. It is a village with a tough climate and tough people – or so it seems at first. As the film crew follows three women, a farmer, postal worker and a biologist, they are taken in by their joie de vivre and humour and soon feel more and more at home. Stephanie Vierkorn



Maksym Melnyk first worked as a television journalist at the Transcarpathian regional broadcaster until he began studying film directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (Slovakia), then master's studies in documentary film directing at the Konrad Wolf Film University in Potsdam-Babelsberg. In 2022 he graduated with his first feature-length film DREI FRAUEN.


SCHÖNBORN, DE 2020, 63 min.

Nominated for the Student Award

The Student Award of DOK.fest München presents outstanding documentary films by students of German-speaking film schools. The films are nominated for the megaherz Student Award, worth 3,000 Euros.


English/Original Title: THREE WOMEN. Writer: Maksym Melnyk. Camera: Florian Baumgarten, Meret Madörin. Sound: Roman Pogorzelski. Editing: Jannik Eckenstaler. Production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Producer: n/a. International Sales: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Distribution: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

Student Award 2023
  • Sa., 06.05.23
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with editor Jannik Eckenstaler)
  • Do., 11.05.23
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with director Maksym Melnyk)