Argentina 2009 – Director: Adriana Yurcovich, Eduardo de la Serna, Lucas Marcheggiano – Original language: Spanish – Subtitles: English – Length: 84 min.

  • Fr., 07.05.10
    Spanish with English subtitles
  • Di., 11.05.10
    Atelier 2
    Spanish with English subtitles

“And what will you do when you grow up?” the daughter asks her 60-something year-old father who packed in a career as an international businessman to make films - special films. He travels in a rusty old banger from village to village, with an outdated video recorder and five scripts in his bag, and makes, on the spot, whimsical little comedies with the locals. His crew consists of himself and whoever else wants to help. His earnings: free food, lodgings, car repair, the entrance money from his one-off film screenings and a whole host of friends for life. This brilliantly made film shows that films are not always supposed to be brilliant. A must see for all perfectionists.

English/Original Title: The Peddler. Writer: Eduardo de la Serna, Lucas Marcheggiano, Adriana Yurcovich. Camera: Pablo Parra, Lucas Marcheggiano. Sound: Damián Turkieh. Editing: Eduardo de la Serna, Lucas Marcheggiano, Adriana Yurcovich. Music: Atahualpa Yupanqui. Production: Adriana Yurcovich. Producer: Adriana Yurcovich. International Sales: Adriana Yurcovich.

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2010
  • Fr., 07.05.10
    Spanish with English subtitles
  • Di., 11.05.10
    Atelier 2
    Spanish with English subtitles