Mexico 2011 – Director: Tatiana Huezo Sánchez – Original language: Spanish – Subtitles: English – Length: 108 min.

  • Fr., 04.05.12
    Museum Fünf Kontinente
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • So., 06.05.12
    Rio 2
    Spanish original with English subtitles

The story of a civil war – completely retold. In the jungle of El Salvador there are, at first glance, no reminders of the horrors of war. Farmers cultivate their fields; women feed their chickens; children go to school. As the camera shows their everyday life, the villagers look back. They tell of their revolt against the prevailing circumstances, the loss of beloved family members, and the traumas and mistrust that remain to this day. Images and sound are built up into a poetic panorama that encompasses both the suffering of the past and the vitality of the present in the tiniest place in the world. A magnificent filmic discovery from Mexico. Pure magical realism! Tina Janker

English/Original Title: The Tiniest Place. Writer: Tatiana Huezo Sánchez. Camera: Ernesto Pardo. Sound: Federico González, Lena Esquenazi. Editing: Paulina Del Paso, Tatiana Huezo Sánchez, Lucrecia Gutiérrez. Music: Leonardo Heiblum, Jacobo Lieberman. Production: Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica. Producer: Nicolás Celis. International Sales: Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2012
  • Fr., 04.05.12
    Museum Fünf Kontinente
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • So., 06.05.12
    Rio 2
    Spanish original with English subtitles