CHI 2010 – Director: Marcela Said, Jean de Certeau – Co-Director: Javier Ignacio Rebolledo – Original language: Spanish – Subtitles: English – Length: 70 min.

  • Do., 05.05.11
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • So., 08.05.11
    Atelier 2
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 11.05.11
    City 3

"I had to serve coffee at all times - even while people were being tortured". Jorgelino was only fourteen when he arrived at the house of Colonel Manuel Contreras, head of Chile’s secret police during the Pinochet dictatorship. As a general errand boy, he waited on torturers and became a passive witness to the abuse and murder of prisoners. Today he lives alone in an old shack and is struggling to come to terms with his past. The directors accompany him as he visits people and places in a search for redemption and rehabilitation._An insightful and intense portrait that skilfully links a personal story with Chile’s national tragedy.

English/Original Title: The Young Butler. German title: Der Dienstjunge. Writer: Marcela Said, Jean de Certeau. Camera: Arnaldo Rodriguez. Sound: Erick del Valle & Boris Herrera. Editing: Jean de Certeau. Music: Jorge Arriagada. Production: Icalma Films. Producer: Marcela Said. Co-Producers: Co-producer: Cristobal Zapata. International Sales: Jirafa Films.

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2011
  • Do., 05.05.11
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • So., 08.05.11
    Atelier 2
    Spanish original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 11.05.11
    City 3