Algeria, China, France, Germany, Kuwait 2012 – Director: Damien Ounouri – Original language: French – Subtitles: German – Length: 82 min.

  • Sa., 11.05.13
    Rio 2
    Arabic and French with german subtitles
  • Di., 14.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    Arabic/French with german subtitles

“I’ve forgot that I’ve got brothers, sister, mother. To help Revolution, I chose to leave everything behind me.”
During the struggle for Algerian independence, El-Hadi was a ‘fidai.’ Using urban guerrilla tactics he fought for the goals of the national liberation movement, the FLN. Nobody in his family knew of his underground activities. Today, 50 years after Algeria’s independence, El-Hadi, the director’s great uncle, comes clean for the first time about his life as a militant activist. In striking scenes he reconstructs his deeds for the camera. He admits to having committed murder in the name of the revolution and faces up to the moral issues.
A sensitive and personal film that bears witness to history and a new consideration of a heroic era. Dunja Bialas

Writer: Damien Ounouri, Linda Amiri. Camera: Matthieu Laclau. Sound: Chen Bin, Liu Bao-Sheng, Liu Yuan-Yuan. Editing: Matthieu Laclau, Mary Stephen. Music: Houria Aichi Alla, Smaïl Benhouhou, Youssef Dhafer, Hasna El Becharia. Production: Kafard Films, Xstream. Producer: Matthieu Mullier, Alexandre Singer, Jia Zhange. Co-Producers: Cirta Films, mec film, Linked Productions. Distribution: Mec Film Main Competition 2013
  • Sa., 11.05.13
    Rio 2
    Arabic and French with german subtitles
  • Di., 14.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    Arabic/French with german subtitles