Italy 2013 – Director: Benjamin Thum – Original language: German, Italian – Subtitles: English – Length: 30 min.

  • Mon, 5/11/15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

An expressive journey composed of individual scenes, fragments, words. Always restless and on the move. A very old woman, a child that cries, travelling with the train, walking through the city. The images drift in and out of focus and back again. There is a prehistoric man on the ice, being photographed with an iPad; Dildos; a summit cross; masturbation; boxing; prayers. Fragments of a completely subjective characterisation of a landscape that will captivate the audience.

Writer: Benjamin Thum. Camera: Mike Ramsauer. Sound: Emanuela Macchniz. Editing: Emanuela Macchniz. Music: Jorge Renes. Production: ZeLIG – School for documentary, television and new media. Producer: Heidi Gronauer, Lorenzo Paccagnella.

Student Award 2015
  • Mon, 5/11/15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles