Germany 2013 – Director: Fatima Abdollahyan – Original language: Arabic, English, German – Subtitles: German – Length: 91 min.

  • Fr., 15.05.15
    City 2
    German subtitles, afterwards discussion with the director

In cooperation with the Doris-Wuppermann-Stiftung. Guests: Dr. Christian Boeser-Schnebel (Netzwerk für politische Bildung Bayern).

FATIMA ABDOLLAHYAN – Born in Frankfurt am Main in 1977. Abdollahyan studied political science in Lyon and Munich and International Relations in London. She then studied documentary film at HFF Munich. She works for various broadcasters, including ZDF and BR. FREEDOM BUS won an award from One Future and received the BR3 Publikumspreis.

FREEDOM BUS, D 2013, 91 Min.
KICK IN IRAN, D 2010, 82 Min.

Writer: Fatima Abdollahyan. Camera: Jakobine Motz. Sound: Fatima Abdollahyan, Michael Hinreiner, Jörg Elsner. Editing: Hansjörg Weißbrich, Eva Hartmann. Music: Saam Schlamminger, Tom Förderer. Production: if... Productions. Producer: Ingo Fliess. International Sales: nicht vorhanden Distribution: Drop out Cinema

DOK.special 2015
  • Fr., 15.05.15
    City 2
    German subtitles, afterwards discussion with the director