Germany 2014 – Director: Felix Heinisch, Helge Navrota – Original language: German – Length: 60 min.

  • Mi., 13.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    German original version

Marco, Ulli and Jukka meet almost every weekend in their winged suits to prepare for the next international skydiving competition. Their common passion brings them together and seals their friendship. What attracts them to it? The rush of speed? The joint choreography in the sky? The film succeeds in making the audience also forget what is up and what is down and it is just then that we can really understand the trio.

Writer: Felix Heinisch, Helge Navrota. Camera: Christopher Dillig. Sound: Berk Türkkan. Editing: Andre Döbert, Berk Türkkan. Music: Karsten Laser. Production: Heinisch Film. Producer: Felix Heinisch. Co-Producers: Coproduktion: Macromedia München.

Student Award 2015
  • Mi., 13.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    German original version