Germany, Poland 2013 – Director: Michał Marczak – Original language: German, Norwegian, Spanish – Subtitles: German – Length: 86 min.

  • Fr., 10.05.13
    City 3
    Diverse languages with German subtitles
  • Mo., 13.05.13
    Rio 2
    Diverse language with German subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    Atelier 1

„We want it to be legal all over the world to be naked and make love, where and when you want. How can that be forbidden?“
The Berlin environmental activists from “Fuck for Forest” see “sexuality as the most life-giving force in the universe” and want to fight back against the “division of sexuality and nature in Western society.” So the organisation raises money for the protection of the environment by selling pornography.
Michal Marczak accompanies the group from their activities in Berlin to the Amazon. Thereby the tragedy that lies behind the protagonists’ beliefs surfaces. Misunderstood – and not just by their own society – they waver between self-discovery and green colonialism in the belief that they can save the world. Eva Weinmann

Writer: Michał Marczak, Łukasz Grudziński. Camera: Michał Marczak. Sound: Jan Pasemann. Editing: Dorota Wardeszkiewicz. Music: Marcin Masecki. Production: KINOMATON Berlin. Producer: Mikolaj Pokromski.

DOK.panorama 2013
  • Fr., 10.05.13
    City 3
    Diverse languages with German subtitles
  • Mo., 13.05.13
    Rio 2
    Diverse language with German subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    Atelier 1