Germany 2011 – Director: Uisenma Borchu – Original language: German – Subtitles: English – Length: 42 min.

  • Mo., 07.05.12
    HFF - Kino 1
    German original with English subtitles

The violinist, Irmgard Hitzig, is 89 and can’t sit up straight in her armchair any more. Nonetheless her passion for music is fierce and she approaches her work as a music teacher with an unrelenting vigour. Uisenma Borchu’s depiction of this very special woman emerges from their dialogue and interaction. This is not a classic portrait, rather the record of an encounter. The director engages respectfully and empathetically with her protagonist and so begins to search for music in her own life. A sensitive and intelligent film about a remarkable woman, which, at the same time, tells a moving story of a burgeoning friendship in the twilight of life. Ysabel Fantou

Writer: Uisenma Borchu. Camera: Sven Zellner. Sound: Uisenma Borchu. Editing: Uisenma Borchu. Music: Deborah Kang. Production: Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. Producer: Ferdinand Freising.

Student Award 2012
  • Mo., 07.05.12
    HFF - Kino 1
    German original with English subtitles