Germany, Israel 2010 – Director: Tomer Heymann – Original language: English, German, Hebrew – Subtitles: English – Length: 70 min.

  • Mo., 10.05.10
    Atelier 1
    Hebru, English and German with English subtitles

“My mother gave me my first camera as a present. Since then I’ve been obsessively filming my life.” Israeli director Tomer Heymann travels with his mother to Berlin to attend the premiere of his film, PAPER DOLLS. 70 years previously his grandfather had fled from Nazi Germany to Israel. In a club the filmmaker meets the German dancer Andreas Merk. They fall in love and when Andreas follows Tomer to Tel Aviv, their 48-hour affair develops into a relationship. Tomer recorded this personal story with an 8mm camera. His sensitive documentation of the two men’s relationship poses questions that take us from the German-Israeli past unto a shared future. At the same time it is a homage to the director’s mother.

English/Original Title: I Shot my Love. Camera: Tomer Heymann. Editing: Ido Muchrik. Music: Israel Bright. Production: Heymann Brothers Films. Producer: Barak Heymann, Tomer Heymann. Co-Producers: Carl-Ludwig Rettinger, Lichtblick Köln. International Sales: Deckert Distribution.

DOK.panorama 2010
  • Mo., 10.05.10
    Atelier 1
    Hebru, English and German with English subtitles