United States 2023 – Director: D. Smith – Original language: English – Subtitles: None – Length: 72 min.

  • Do., 04.05.23
    Deutsches Theater
    English original language (Cultureclubbing at Unter Deck afterwards)
  • Mo., 08.05.23
    City 2
    English original language
  • Fr., 12.05.23
    Rio 2
    English original language

Four black trans sex workers speak about their backgrounds and their everyday lives in New York and Atlanta. Their deeply honest stories expose the clichés and taboos in discussions of transsexuality. In striking black and white images and underscored with a Blaxploitation soundtrack, interviews, dramatizations and re-enactments come together into impactful biographical narratives. Pablo Bücheler

On 4 May afterwards: Party at Unter Deck (from 22.30). In cooperation with the Studierendenwerk München. Free tickets for students via www.studierendenwerk-muenchen-oberbayern.de

This film is not available online. You can buy a regular ticket for a cinema screening.


Earlier in her career, D. Smith worked in the music industry as a (read male) producer, singer and songwriter, collaborated with Lil Wayne and Timbaland, among others, and was nominated for a Grammy twice. In 2014, she began her transition to womanhood. As a result, she hardly received any offers as a musician and started working on KOKOMO CITY, her first film, which took a total of three years. The film premiered at Sundance in 2023.


This film contains racist and transphobic language.


Production: Couch Potatoe Pictures. Producer: D. Smith, Harris Doran, and Bill Butler. International Sales: Magnolia International. Distribution: Magnolia International

Best of Fests 2023
  • Do., 04.05.23
    Deutsches Theater
    English original language (Cultureclubbing at Unter Deck afterwards)
  • Mo., 08.05.23
    City 2
    English original language
  • Fr., 12.05.23
    Rio 2
    English original language

This film is not available online. You can buy a regular ticket for a cinema screening.