Deutschland 2017 – Director: Viki Alexander – Original language: English, German, Russian – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 60 min.

  • Mo., 07.05.18
    HFF - Kino 1
  • Mi., 09.05.18
    City 3

A young woman is searching. She wanders through film images that could equally be dream or reality. She is looking for her brother who she thinks she doesn’t know. Or, in the end, is she searching for herself, for her creature, her creation, her being?

Writer: Viki Alexander. Camera: Dino Osmanovic. Sound: Florian Seufert, Annika Sehn, Marina Hufnagel. Editing: Frank Müller. Music: Samuel Penderbayne. Production: pronoia, HFF München. Producer: Viktor Schimpf, Heiner Stadler.

Student Award 2018
  • Mo., 07.05.18
    HFF - Kino 1
  • Mi., 09.05.18
    City 3