Germany 2011 – Director: Jens Wenkel – Original language: English – Subtitles: German – Length: 94 min.

  • Mon, 5/7/12
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    English original with German subtitles
  • Wed, 5/9/12
    Museum Fünf Kontinente
    English original with German subtitles

This city is in constant movement: millions of people swarm through the marketplaces, life resonates in a multitude of colours, lines of vehicles snake along the streets and business deals are done on every street corner. Hardly any other metropolis is growing as quickly and uncontrollably as Nigeria’s capital, Lagos. But beyond the glass facades of the business world lie the ramshackle buildings of the slums. The city’s rapid growth has a dark underbelly.
Six people from different milieus tell stories that couldn’t be more diverse. There is just one thing unites them all: their fear for the country’s future. An absorbing documentary that shows Africa just as it is. Katrin John

English/Original Title: Lagos - Notes of a City. Writer: Jens Wenkel. Camera: Thomas Plenert, Jens Wenkel. Sound: Grace Brown, Joe Dlamini. Editing: Oliver Weiss, Bettina Blickwede. Music: Elajoe, Fela Kuti, Femi Kuti, Showboy. Production: Herrenbrück - Mücke Filmproduktion. Producer: Heino Herrenbrück, Andreas Mücke-Niesytka. Co-Producers: ZDF/3sat, Goethe Instiut.

DOK.panorama 2012
  • Mon, 5/7/12
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    English original with German subtitles
  • Wed, 5/9/12
    Museum Fünf Kontinente
    English original with German subtitles