Switzerland 2015 – Director: Laura Morales – Original language: French – Subtitles: English – Length: 21 min.

  • Thu, 5/12/16
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

The La Lozère uranium mine is closed but what remains? LES MONTS S’EMBRASENT is a passionate and uncompromising essay about a danger you cannot see and the fear that you dare not speak.

English/Original Title: BLAZING MOUNTAINS. Writer: Laura Morales. Camera: Laura Morales. Sound: Laura Morales, Iris Petit, Julie Beuard, Vuk Vukmanovic, Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd. Production: HEAD Haute école d'art et de design, Genf. Producer: Jean Perret. International Sales: HEAD Haute école d'art et de design, Genf Distribution: HEAD Haute école d'art et de design, Genf

Student Award 2016
  • Thu, 5/12/16
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles